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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
A monthly publication about conservation in Missouri. Started in 1938, the printed magazine is free to residents of Missouri.
St. LOUIS, Mo.—September marks the beginning of fall hunting seasons for Show-Me-State hunters. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reminds hunters to familiarize themselves before going afield with a few changes in turkey and deer hunting regulations for the 2024-2025 seasons.
“The time for cooler weather and chasing that elusive deer you’ve been targeting has finally come,” said Washington County Conservation Agent John Lowe. “Whether you’re a bow, rifle, or an alternative methods hunter, there is ample opportunity for a chance to harvest during the fall and winter. But hunters also need to be up on the latest regulations,” Lowe said.
Lowe said the biggest change for 2024 is the new fall hunting permit for turkey. The archery deer and turkey permits are now separate; archers must use the fall turkey hunting permit to take turkeys. The new fall turkey hunting permit still allows for two turkeys to be harvested of either sex by either archery or firearm methods. Archery season for turkey runs from Sept. 15 – Nov. 15, and after a pause for November Firearms Deer Season, resumes from Nov. 27 – Jan. 15. From Oct. 1 – 31 turkeys may be harvested with firearm methods. For more information about fall turkey hunting regulations and permits visit http://short.mdc.mo.gov/Ztu.
“The fall 2024 deer season will be the second year to have the additional early firearm antlerless portion as well as the extended Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) firearms portion for the regular firearms season,” said Lowe.
The early firearms antlerless season runs from Oct. 11 – 13 this year. The additional CWD firearms portion will run from Nov. 27 – Dec. 1. “These additional seasons allow hunters more opportunity to get some meat to help stock the freezer or extra time during firearms season to target that big buck,” Lowe explained.
Hunters should note that the CWD firearms portion is only open in certain counties. For applicable counties and information on CWD regulations, visit http://short.mdc.mo.gov/4RP.
Hunters may also consult the 2024 Fall Deer and Turkey Hunting Regulations booklet for full details on fall hunting seasons and changes, available at MDC offices and permit retailers statewide.
“Getting acquainted with these regulation changes should help ensure that hunters will have an enjoyable and safe hunting experience this year. Participating in the expanded deer hunting opportunities will also help MDC with its CWD management goals,” Lowe said.