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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
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CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reminds hunters of regulation changes for the current archery deer and turkey hunting seasons, including a new fall turkey permit.
“MDC has created a new fall turkey-hunting permit, so turkey permits are no longer included with an archery deer-hunting permit,” said Russell Duckworth, MDC Protection Captain. “Both fall firearms turkey hunters and fall archery turkey hunters must purchase this new permit to be able to harvest turkeys during fall seasons.”
With the fall turkey season now divided into archery and firearms portions, the harvest limit for both portions combined has been reduced from four to two birds of either sex.
Duckworth said the combined fall turkey harvest for the past few years within the 16 counties of MDC’s Southeast Region has held steady at roughly 500 turkeys.
“Between 55% and 75% of hens are harvested,” said Duckworth. “The change in this permit will still allow hunters the opportunity to harvest turkeys by archery and firearms methods.”
In addition to changes for the current turkey hunting season, the antler-point restriction (APR) for the current deer season has been removed for counties within the CWD Management Zone, including Audrain, Boone, Cole, Howard, Lewis, Maries, Monroe, Osage, Phelps, Randolph, Saline, Scotland, and Shelby counties.
The CWD Management Zone consists of counties where CWD has been found and those within 10 miles of where CWD has been found. The APR requires an antlered deer to have at least four points on one side to be harvested.
During both seasons, Duckworth said hunters should remember requirements for tagging and checking deer and turkey.
He said a common violation that MDC agents encounter is hunters who fail to purchase their permit before going hunting, and then failing to notch or check a deer or turkey after harvest.
“This is not a change with the Wildlife Code, and has been in effect for several years,” said Duckworth.
Key points to remember for deer and turkey seasons:
Archery turkey hunting in Missouri runs through Nov. 15. It reopens Nov. 27 and runs through Jan. 15, 2025. Fall firearms turkey hunting runs Oct. 1 – 31 in open counties.
Learn more online at https://mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/seasons.