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MDC provides free trees to spring tornado victims in mid-Missouri
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and community partners will offer nearly 400 FREE trees to local residents impacted by tornado damage last spring.
Tornadoes that ripped through Jefferson City and Eldon on May 22 left a path of destruction that damaged and destroyed many valuable community trees.
“There is so much work to be done for those hit by this spring’s tornadoes,” said MDC Community Forester Ann Koenig. “We are glad to be able to support Jefferson City and Eldon residents and help rebuild neighborhoods by offering free trees to those affected.”
In partnership with Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, the Bittersweet and Capital garden clubs in Jefferson City, the Eldon Garden Club, Jefferson City Parks and Recreation Department, and the City of Eldon, MDC will offer free trees at the following locations and times:
Jefferson City
Thursday, Oct. 3, 12 – 6 p.m.
1626 Tanner Bridge Rd. Street side pickup
Friday, Oct. 4, 1 – 7 p.m. / Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Air Park Pavilion, 532 Airport Rd.
Recipients must present a driver license, photo ID, or recent utility bill to be eligible for free trees at this location.
Any residents with tornado damage to their property are eligible for these trees. Two trees will be available to each resident until the supply runs out.
This tree giveaway will provide a variety of three-gallon, potted, Missouri-native tree species, including red oak, white oak, black gum, river birch, red bud, and eastern wahoo. Staff and volunteers will be onsite to help select the best tree species for specific locations and provide information on how to plant them.
“One of the things people miss most after a tornado, such as those that hit Jefferson City and Eldon, are the trees that are destroyed,” said Koenig. “Trees work to provide many benefits in these communities, from increased property values to improved public health. Providing free trees to those affected in Jefferson City and Eldon will help begin the process of replacing what was lost.”
For more information about these tree giveaway events, contact Jefferson City Forester Ray Wallace at (573) 634-6509, or Eldon Garden Club Vice President Carolyn Cardwell at (573) 216-4422.
Learn more about MDC’s community forestry program at research.mdc.mo.gov/project/community-trees, explore Trees Work resources at treeswork.org, and find more information on forestry in Missouri at mdc.mo.gov/trees-plants.