MDC offers online Beginning Bowhunting class Aug. 4

News from the region
Saint Louis
Published Date

ST. LOUIS, Mo. — Hunting deer with firearms may be the most popular method, but it’s the bowhunters who get the most time and opportunity in the field. Missouri’s bowhunting season spans four months, from Sept. 15 to Nov. 15 and Nov. 27- Jan. 15, 2020. And much of this time the bowhunter can have the deer woods to themselves.

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is offering the chance to get starting in this challenging and rewarding sport with a free online Beginning Bowhunting class, Tuesday, Aug. 4 from 6-7 p.m.

This virtual class will be live and interactive and is designed to help new bowhunters prepare for the unique aspects of this hunting method. The course will examine bow hunting gear, proper clothing, stands, calls, and techniques to improve a newcomer’s chances of success. MDC staff will discuss best bow hunting practices, safety and how bow hunting differs from hunting deer with a rifle.

Participants will learn from experienced MDC instructors and come away with a better understanding of wildlife identification, habits and habitats, hunting regulations, safety considerations, hunting strategies, equipment and proper game care. A question and answer period will follow the main program and offer the chance for participants to interact with instructors and have questions answered via chat.

Beginning Bowhunting is a free program open to ages 11 and up, but online pre-registration is required at An e-mail will be sent out to all registered participants prior to the program with the link to join in virtually.

MDC offers many free educational programs in the St. Louis region to help people discover nature, fishing, hunting, and the outdoors. Stay informed by going to the MDC St. Louis regional events page at