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MDC offers basic bowfishing workshop at Long Branch Lake May 11
MACON, Mo. - The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) will offer an introduction to bowfishing workshop at Long Branch Lake May 11. The workshop will take place 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Macon Area Ramp at Long Branch Lake.
Bowfishing is a legal method to pursue nongame fish including bluegill, green sunfish, carp, carpsuckers, suckers, buffalo, drum, gar, and other species.
“Bowfishing offers an exciting way to pursue these fish that typically draw little interest with traditional pole-and-line or setline methods,” said MDC Outdoor Skills Specialist Rob Garver.
Participants will have an opportunity to practice with bowfishing bows, and will then be taken out on the lake to attempt harvesting some fish. This event is open to participants 11-years of age and older. Participants 16-years of age and older must possess a valid Missouri fishing permit. All participants must wear closed-toe shoes, and should bring a water bottle, hat, sunscreen, and snacks. All other equipment, including life jackets, will be provided to those who need it.
This workshop is free, but space is limited and preregistration is required by May 8 by visiting mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com/Event/EventDetails/167050.