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MDC offering forest and wildlife workshop in Callaway County April 18
COLUMBIA, Mo. — Want to improve wildlife on your property? Are you looking to increase your timber yields? The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is hosting a forest and wildlife workshop for landowners from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 18, at Bill and Margie Haag's property, 8801 Little Tavern Creek Road in Portland. The workshop is free, however registration is required by April 15.
MDC staff will discuss managing woodland landscapes, prescribed fire benefits, ruffed grouse habitat requirements, ways to improve timber, conducting a timber sale, available cost-share programs, and wildlife management.
"This workshop will give landowners a better understanding about the benefits of managing wooded areas on their property," said MDC Private Lands Conservationist Jamie Barton. "Whether it's to increase wildlife on their land or to learn about various land management tools such as prescribed fire, participants will hear about practices that will help them achieve their land management goals."
Lunch will be provided by the Missouri Grouse Chapter of the Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (QUWF).
To register or for more information call Barton at 573-564-3715, ext. 110.
For information about how to improve your property, visit mdc.mo.gov.