MDC invites first time homeowners to virtual Habitat Management program Sept. 19

News from the region
Saint Louis
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KIRKWOOD, Mo. — It doesn’t take large parcels of acreage to enjoy the beauty and benefits of creating native habitats for plants, wildlife, and pollinators.  With the right knowledge, homeowners can do it in their own yards and gardens. 

The Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Powder Valley Nature Center is holding a virtual program on Habitat Management for First Time Homeowners Thursday, Sept. 19, from 7 – 8 p.m. The program’s featured speaker will be MDC Wildlife Biologist Assistant Miranda Wilkinson.  She will share her expertise with those getting into backyard habitat management for the first time, or anyone who might need a refresher on maintaining and improving existing native habitats around their homes.

Participants will learn important "how-to's" for combating common invasive species removal like bush honeysuckle and wintercreeper. Wilkinson will address the importance of planting native species, and how that can make a big picture difference in the area-wide habitat of native pollinators.

Wilkinson will also have resources for further learning on habitat management, such as information on prescribed burn workshops and native plant sales near you.

While this virtual program is free and open to the public, individuals must register in advance to receive an online meeting link at   The program will be held via Webex and participants will have the chance to use the chat feature for a Question and Answer portion with Wilkinson after the presentation.

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