Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
MDC to host a tree workshop in Columbia on May 13
COLUMBIA, Mo. — Are you wanting to plant a tree this spring and are overwhelmed with what to plant? Do you want to pick a tree that will provide the most benefits now and in the future? The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites homeowners to attend a How to Pick the Perfect Tree workshop from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, at Shakespeare's Pizza South, 3911 Peachtree Drive in Columbia. The workshop is free, but you must register by May 12.
MDC foresters will share tips on how to select the right tree for your property, tree placement, and techniques for planting trees.
"Trees are valuable to our health, wealth, environment, and happiness," said MDC Forester Ann Koenig. "There are a large variety of trees that are suitable to plant in central Missouri, but knowing how and why are just as critical as knowing what to plant. This workshop will cover the basics to give a homeowner the necessary knowledge so their tree will survive and thrive for many years."
The workshop is co-sponsored by the Missouri Community Forestry Council and Columbia's Tree Task Force. For information or questions, contact Koenig at Ann.Koenig@mdc.mo.gov. To register visit midmotaproot.bpt.me.
To learn about other Discover Nature programs in mid-Missouri, visit mdc.mo.gov/events/region/01/heading/Central.