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MDC to hold MoNASP archery instructor training class in Fayette
FAYETTE, Mo. — Teachers can help their students learn responsibility and focus like never before. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is holding a training workshop for teachers interested in joining Missouri’s National Archery in the Schools Program (MoNASP) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 21 at Fayette High School, 510 N. Cleveland. The session is free, but preregistration by May 20 is required.
“Nearly everyone, regardless of age, size, or physical ability can succeed at archery,” said MDC Outdoor Skills Specialist Brian Flowers. “This training will give teachers the necessary skills to start an archery program in their schools.”
Upon completion of the day-long training, participants will become a certified MoNASP instructor.
MoNASP is modeled on the National Archery in the Schools Program, which began with a simple idea of teaching kids the basics of archery as part of school curriculum. MoNASP teaches Olympic-style target archery to students in grades 4-12. Currently, 350 Missouri schools and more than 80,000 students participate in this lifetime sport.
Statistics show school archery programs improve school attendance, increase participants' self-esteem and physical activity, help kids relate better to learning, and get kids outdoors to discover nature.
To register, complete the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM. For more information, contact Flowers at www.Brian.Flowers@mdc.mo.gov, or 573-815-7901, ext. 3388.
For more information about MoNASP, visit mdc.mo.gov/education/monasp.