MDC helps sponsor 8th Annual Confluence Trash Bash March 19

News from the region
Saint Louis
Published Date

ST. LOUIS, Mo. — The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is helping to sponsor one of the largest litter clean-ups in the St. Louis area — the 8th Annual Confluence Trash Bash. The event is happening, Saturday, March 19, from 9 a.m. until noon. Volunteers are needed to help clean up rivers and creeks that lie within the Confluence Greenway.

Past cleanup efforts have drawn over a thousand volunteers who have removed 5,000 tires and more than 61 tons of trash and scrap from area streams and rivers. Volunteers are asked to report for sign up between 8 and 8:45 a.m.

Volunteers can choose from these starting locations:

  • Old Chain of Rocks Bridge, 10950 Riverview Drive
  • Creve Coeur Park, 2160 Creve Coeur Mill Road
  • City of Creve Coeur, 581 Coeur de Ville Drive, Creve Coeur
  • Florissant, Sunset Park, 2300 Sunset Park Drive
  • •Bridgeton, 13217 Ferguson Lane
  • Hanley Hills, Hanley Hills City Hall
  • Overland, call 314-427-2401 or 314-662-2401 for details

Specific cleanup sites will then be assigned near each of the starting locations. At noon, participants will have the chance to enjoy a celebration and free lunch. Prizes will be awarded to volunteers who find the weirdest, biggest and most expensive trash that morning.

Individual volunteers, civic groups and youth organizations are encouraged to volunteer. No experience is required. Volunteers will be provided a free t-shirt, bags, and gloves, courtesy of the St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD).

Transportation is available for school and other groups by contacting Colleen Scott at

KSHE radio will be at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge site to provide entertainment and broadcast reports on all the unusual items found during the cleanup.

Pre-registration is required to participate. Those wishing more information or to volunteer can register at

Participants are reminded to dress appropriately for weather conditions and in clothes they don't mind getting wet or dirty.

In addition to MDC, other sponsors of the Confluence Trash Bash include Great Rivers Greenway, Missouri American Water, Rio Vista Fund, MSD, Missouri Stream Team, St Louis County, Emmis Broadcasting, St Louis Forward, and Bridgestone Tires.

Hosting locations are the Cities of St. Louis, Bridgeton, Creve Coeur, Maryland Heights, Florissant, Overland, Hanley Hills, and Bellefontaine Neighbors.
Additional sponsoring organizations include the St. Louis Audubon Society, Missouri River Relief, The Greenway Network, and Brightside St Louis.