Discover nature in November with MDC Cape Nature Center’s free programs

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CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – Discover nature in November with Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center’s free programs!

  • Nature Center at Night: Art & Autumn | 5 – 7 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center | Registration not required. 

Fall is one of the most beautiful times of year. Bring some of this beauty inside and visit MDC’s “Nature Center at Night” event featuring autumn and winter crafts. Children of all ages will love using various natural items and craft supplies to make whatever their heart desires! Children may follow set designs or make up their own as they go. Families may come and go as they please.

As part of MDC’s “Nature Center at Night” series, the building and exhibits will remain open during this time.

Let's work together to keep our river clean! Lend a helping hand and take part in an MDC litter pickup. Meet at the Broadway Street entrance of Riverfront Park in downtown Cape Girardeau. Free gloves, a T-shirt, and snacks will be provided.

  • Conservation Families: Saturday Deer Camp | 8 – 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 9 at Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center | Registration not required. 

Thoughts of “deer camp” cause hunters across the state to grin with memories of good times and much anticipation. Join the fun with MDC Cape Nature Center’s own version of deer camp. Children can learn about deer in Missouri, make their own deer grunt, and participate in other hunting-themed crafts and activities, including virtual hunting where they can put their shooting skills to the test.

Is your family always on the run? Are you and your children getting overwhelmed by the tight schedule? Take a step back and enjoy family time at a much slower pace with instructor-led yoga geared towards the whole family. Learn ways to manage stress and other big emotions for your family … as well as yourself. Afterwards, enjoy nature-related mindfulness activities that are easy to replicate at home.

Program Registration

Advance registration is required for most programs and can be completed online at

All family members that plan to attend in-person and virtual events must be registered. First, create a profile. Once a profile is created and event registration is complete, additional details about programs will be sent via email.

See all details for MDC’s free November events online at Don’t forget to register your children and homeschool students for Little Acorns and Babes in the Woods story times.

And check out this month’s featured artists in the nature center lobby: Brenda Seyer's adult art students Mary Maginel, Gloria Miller, Donna Taake, and Mary McIntyre.

If you’re having difficulty registering online, you may contact the Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center at (573) 290-5218.

Stay Connected 

Questions about events can be emailed to MDC Cape Nature Center Manager Laci Prucinsky at

The Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center sends program registration reminders and updates to those who sign up by texting “MDC Nature” to 468311. An online subscription is also available to “sign up for updates” at A variety of updates are available at this option, but Cape Girardeau specific updates are available under facility updates and news for southeast region.

Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center is located at 2289 County Park Dr. in Cape Girardeau, and is open Tuesday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. White Oak Trace Trails are open daily, from sunrise to 10 p.m.