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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
A monthly publication about conservation in Missouri. Started in 1938, the printed magazine is free to residents of Missouri.
The Conservation Commission met Dec. 13 and 14 at Conservation Department Headquarters, 2901 W. Truman Blvd., Jefferson City. Commissioners present were:
Don C. Bedell, Sikeston, Chair
James T. Blair, IV, St. Louis, Vice Chair
Becky L. Plattner, Grand Pass, Secretary
Don R. Johnson, Festus, Member
The Commission:
• Set the following 2013 turkey-hunting season dates:
Bag limits, and shooting hours remain the same as last year. Additional details, including spring managed turkey hunts and regulations for spring turkey hunting on conservation areas, will be published in the spring turkey hunting regulation guide.
• Set the following dates for 2013-2014 firearms deer seasons:
Other deer-hunting regulations will be set in the spring of 2013. Details will be published in the fall deer hunting regulation guide
• Revised the requirement for hunters to immediately tag turkeys in the field, as long as they notch their permits. Applying the tag will only be required if the taker is not with the turkey. This change will not take effect until June 1, and so will not affect the 2013 Spring Turkey Season
• Simplified requirements for tagging harvested deer, effective June 1, 2013.
The Commission:
• Received presentations from:
• Presented awards to:
• Approved accepting the bequest of 48 acres in Andrew County as an addition to the Nodaway Valley Conservation Area (CA)
• Approved accepting the bequest of 241 acres in Bollinger County as an addition to the Amidon Memorial CA
• Approved exchanging 10 acres of Castor River CA in Bollinger County for a 10-acre tract in Bollinger County as an addition to the Castor River CA
• Approved purchasing 10 acres in Schuyler County as an addition to the Rebel’s Cove CA
• Approved purchasing 36.48 acres in Dallas County as an addition to the Barclay CA, with approximately 61 percent of the purchase price being paid with partnering funds.
• Approved purchasing 77.6 acres in Caldwell County as an addition to the Bonanza CA, with approximately 28 percent of the purchase price being paid with partnering funds.
• Approved purchasing 713 acres in Carter County as an addition to the Peck Ranch CA
• Approved entering into a contract with Steve and Associates, Fulton for the construction of the Hunnewell Lake CA Kettle Replacement Project located in Shelby County at a total estimated cost of $582,695.80. Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program Funds will be utilized to cover 75 percent of the total project cost.
• Approved a nomination to the Missouri Conservation Hall of Fame for William “Bill” Bennett.
• Approved and authorized publication of the Conservation Department’s 2011-2012 Annual Report
• Suspended hunting, fishing, and/or trapping privileges of 38 Missouri residents and one nonresident for Wildlife Code violations. Those whose privileges were suspended are:
• Approved the suspension or revocation of all hunting and fishing privileges of 352 people who are not in compliance with applicable child-support laws Privileges suspended for noncompliance are reinstated once the Division of Child Support Enforcement notifies MDC that suspendees have come into compliance with the required laws
• Suspended privileges of 211 nonresidents under the provisions of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact
• Set its next regular meeting for Feb. 7 and 8
This document is provided for public information only and is not an official record of the Missouri Department of Conservation or Missouri Conservation Commission.