April 22 MDC program has tips for making jellies from plants in the wild

News from the region
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FREISTATT, Mo. – Blooming redbud trees and violets don’t only add beauty to the outdoors in spring. They can also provide flavor to your next meal.

People can learn how to make tasty jellies from redbud flowers, wild violets, and dandelions at the Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) program “Wild Edibles: Spring Jellies.” This free program will be 10 a.m.-1 p.m. April 22 at Trinity Lutheran School in the Lawrence County community of Freistatt. The address is 218 N. Main Street, Freistatt. People can register for this program at:


At this program, MDC Community Education Assistant Jeanell Stockton will have information on how to and prepare jellies from redbuds, violets, and dandelions. The jelly-making steps Stockton will cover will include harvesting, steeping the flowers, cooking, and canning the jelly.

Though this program is free, registration is required to participate. Use the link above. People wanting more information about this class can email Stockton at Jeanell.Stockton@mdc.mo.gov.

Staff at MDC facilities across the state are holding virtual and in-person programs. A listing of these programs can be found at mdc.mo.gov/events.