Get Out

By MDC | January 1, 2025
From Xplor: January/February 2025

Fun things to do and great places to discover nature.

  • When you’re tired of sled riding and winter hikes, put your time inside to good use by tying some trout flies. Catch-and-keep season starts March 1 at Missouri’s trout parks. Search the internet to learn how to tie woolly buggers and dozens of other flies.
  • In February, high in the treetops, squirrels’ leafy nests become nurseries. Mama squirrels give birth to two or three blind, hairless, helpless babies. It takes about a month for the youngsters to open their eyes and grow hair, and another few weeks for them to venture outside.
  • In winter, you won’t find many molehills. But that doesn’t mean the tiny tunnelers aren’t busy. About a foot below the surface, where the ground isn’t frozen, eastern moles tunnel around, searching for insects to fill their furry bellies.
  • Chickadees are itty-bitty but fearless. With patience, you can coax one to eat from your hand. Cup a handful of sunflower seeds in your open palm and sit patiently near a bird feeder. Hold really still! It may take multiple tries over several days, but soon the gutsy fluff balls will land on your hand to grab a quick snack.
  • In mid-winter, horned larks flock to harvested crop fields. The sparrow-like birds are the same size and color as dirt clods, so you’ll need sharp eyes to spot one. The trick is to scan an open field and stop when you spot movement. Look closely, and you’ll likely find a black-masked, yellow-throated bird that has “horns” of black feathers.

Looking for more ways to have fun outside? Find out about Discover Nature programs in your area at

Also In This Issue

Photo of a Groundhog

Hi! I’m Charlotte. I’m a woodchuck — aka a groundhog — a big, chubby squirrel who loves to sleep, eat, and dig.

Squirrel Nest

A walk through the woods in winter is like following a treasure map. 

This Issue's Staff

Artist – Matt Byrde
Photographer – Noppadol Paothong
Photographer – David Stonner
Designer – Marci Porter
Art Director – Ben Nickelson
Editor – Matt Seek
Subscriptions – Marcia Hale
Magazine Manager – Stephanie Thurber