Cottontails are found statewide but don’t stray far from thickets or weedy cover. For more on Missouri’s most common rabbit, hop over to
Eastern Cottontail
To avoid being seen, cottontails freeze in place. To escape, they zigzag away with long and short hops.
Cottontails usually keep quiet. But when captured by a predator, they let out a hare-raising squeal.
Ear Muffs
Heat escapes quickly from a rabbit’s ginormous ears. To stay warmer, cottontails press their ears flat against their bodies.
Whose Scat is That?
Cottontails leave behind round, pea-sized droppings. Finding them is a good sign a rabbit is nearby.
You Eat What?
Rabbits eat their own droppings. Digesting “food” twice helps bunnies absorb extra nutrients.

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Missouri is often visited by UFOs — just not the kind filled with little green aliens.
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This Issue's Staff
Photographer – Noppadol Paothong
Photographer – David Stonner
Designer – Marci Porter
Designer – Les Fortenberry
Art Director – Cliff White
Editor – Matt Seek
Subscriptions – Laura Scheuler
Magazine Manager – Stephanie Thurber