Spring Woods Bingo
A springtime walk in the woods is a delight for your senses. The forest turns green, birds sing, and the sweet scent of flowers hangs in the air. To make your walk even better, play “Spring Woods Bingo.”
Cut out the bingo cards. Bring the cards, a couple friends, and some pencils on your next hike. When you spot an item in the woods that’s listed on the card, put an “X” in the corresponding box. When you get five X’s in a row, yell “Xplor!”
In “Spring Woods Bingo” if you say “bingo” instead of “Xplor,” you must erase one of your X’s and continue to look for items until you have five in a row again.
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This Issue's Staff
Les Fortenberry
Alexis (AJ) Joyce
Angie Daly Morfeld
Noppadol Paothong
Marci Porter
Laura Scheuler
Matt Seek
David Stonner
Stephanie Thurber
Cliff White