Xplor More

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From Xplor: November/December 2019

Wild Times

In nature, some things happen quickly and some things happen slowly. For example, during the summer, a thirteen-lined ground squirrel’s heart beats about 300 times each minute. That’s fast! But during hibernation, the same squirrel’s heart slows down to only 300 beats each hour. That’s S-L-O-W.


Do you have a good sense of time? Let’s find out. For each of the following facts, circle the choice for how long it takes to happen.

1. At the peak of growth, a white-tailed deer may add half an inch to its antlers each ___ .

  • minute
  • hour
  • day

2. River otter pups learn to swim when they’re about 12 ___ old.

  • hours
  • days
  • weeks

3. Scarlet tanagers are beautiful bug-bashing machines. The flame red birds can eat 2,000 caterpillars in one ___ .

  • hour
  • day
  • week

4. Super poopers: On average, a snow goose goes to the bathroom every four ___ .

  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours

5. Using only its teeth, a beaver can chew down a willow tree that’s thicker than your leg in under five ___ .

  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours

6. Bumblebees are buzzy — and busy. On average, this hardworking insect visits 500 flowers every ___ .

  • hour
  • day
  • week

7. Little brown bats are better than a bug zapper. A single bat can catch and eat up to 1,000 insects in one ___ .

  • minute
  • hour
  • day

8. Pouch potatoes: Minutes after they’re born, baby opossums crawl into their mama’s pouch and don’t come back out for 70 ___ .

  • minutes
  • hours
  • days

9. A ruby-throated hummingbird flaps its wings about 50 to 200 times each ___ .

  • second
  • minute
  • hour

10. The spiders living in a patch of woods the size of a football field eat more than 80 pounds of insects in one ___ .

  • day
  • month
  • year

11. On moonlit nights during mating season, an eastern whip-poor-will can sing its name 60 times each ___ .

  • second
  • minute
  • hour

Also In This Issue

 Meet Missouri’s yappy, snappy, quick, and crafty wild dogs.

This Issue's Staff

Bonnie Chasteen
Les Fortenberry
Angie Daly Morfeld
Noppadol Paothong
Marci Porter
Mark Raithel
Laura Scheuler
Matt Seek
David Stonner
Stephanie Thurber
Cliff White