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From Missouri Conservationist: Jul 2015

The Lewis Family, Dean, Anna Mae and David D. Lewis Memorial Conservation Area

Located in southwest Missouri just north of Branson, this Taney County area provides recreational opportunities such as hiking, hunting, and fishing.

This 362-acre area, donated in 2012 by the late David D. Lewis, is fairly new to the Department. It was Lewis’ wish to leave the property as a memorial to his family and to provide a place for the public to enjoy outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, hiking, and nature viewing. The area is about 2.6 miles upstream from where Bull Creek enters Lake Taneycomo northeast of Branson. The area includes rolling hills and ridgetops, as well as a bottomland field and riparian areas along the creek. A variety of habitats, including open, post oak savannas, glades, woodlands, and upland and bottomland fields, support a diverse population of wildlife.

Bull Creek runs along the southeast border of the area and is a great example of a pristine Ozark stream. Except in times of high water flow, the creek is so clear you can easily see the rock slab bottom. Fishing along the banks of Bull Creek can yield bass, goggle-eye, bluegill, and suckers. During the winter and early spring months, it’s also possible to catch rainbow trout traveling up Bull Creek from the cold waters of Lake Taneycomo. Motorboat access upstream from Lake Taneycomo is limited due to the shallow depth of Bull Creek adjacent to the area. However, canoes and inflatable boats usually are able to navigate the creek except during low-water periods.

A 1.65-mile hiking-only trail cuts across the middle of the area, beginning at the parking lot and ending at Bull Creek. Hikers may enjoy looking for a few geocache sites located along the trail. Because of the area’s diverse habitats, there are many plants and animals to observe and photograph. Animals commonly seen include deer, turkey, rabbits, squirrels, bald eagles, and turkey vultures. Visitors may also enjoy an array of wildflowers along the trail during the spring and summer.

—Greg Cassell, area manager

The Lewis Family, Dean, Anna Mae and David D. Lewis Memorial Conservation Area

  • Recreation Opportunities: Bird watching, hunting, fishing, hiking, wildlife and nature viewing, and photography
  • Unique Features: Bull Creek, oak savanna and woodlands, bottomland riparian areas
  • For More Information: Call 417-895-6880 or visit

This Issue's Staff

Editor - Angie Daly Morfeld
Art Director - Cliff White
Staff Writer/Editor - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Heather Feeler
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Circulation - Laura Scheuler