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From Missouri Conservationist: January 2018

Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity. Email or write to us:

Missouri Conservationist
P.O. Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Love For I Am Conservation

Thanks for the feature on Tom Love and his kindness to our disabled veterans [November]. May God bless him. Good man.

Rich Murray, Mehlville

Up Front

Your article [November] in the latest Conservationist stirred up a lot of memories for me. In the early 1970s, I was involved in the catfish harvest at Lake Paho in northern Missouri. At that time, all the stocker catfish for the state were raised there. I was the hatchery manager at Indian Trail Hatchery. It was a long drive to Lake Paho from Indian Trail, and an even longer drive with a load of catfish from Paho to the Bootheel and back. At that time, fisheries had no radios and cell phones had not yet been invented. As you mentioned, there was no GPS, Google Earth, etc. Sometimes we drove for more than 18 hours to deliver our fish. Thanks for stirring up some memories and best of luck to you and the department!

Danny Marshall via email

Thanks for your Up Front columns. I look forward to reading it each month, and I’m never disappointed. I know that MDC is in the best hands, and will be for a long time to come.

William Forster via email

The Milkweed Effect

After reading Matt Seek’s article in the September issue [The Butterfly Effect], I decided to try to find some milkweed seeds to plant. We live on 17 acres in north Missouri and it took a while to find these seeds. After reading the article, it has made me want to plant these milkweed seeds and hopefully see a butterfly take its first flight! Wish me luck! Thanks for your great magazine.

LeAnn Lunsford via email

We loved the September article about the monarchs so much that we ordered milkweed and are making that a priority in our garden now.

Jacquelyn Sanger St. Joseph

Kudos to MDC Agents

I would just like to thank MDC and the outstanding job your agents do. I have had a lot of positive experiences with the department. This year, my children and I were selected for a managed hunt. My daughter just took her hunter safety course this past week and really enjoyed the class. She learned so much more than I am capable of teaching her. I would also like to recognize Conservation Agent Zachary White, assigned to Clinton County. I have had amazing experiences with him and the job he does. He is very friendly and to the point. He is knowledgeable on the Wildlife Code of Missouri and advised me that I could call him anytime, day or night, with questions or concerns. I would also like to make mention of the conservation agents who taught the hunter safety course on Oct. 7 in Platte City. It is all these employees of MDC that make it so great. Thank you for the job you do.

Kevin Henderson, Smithville

Fun for the Whole Family

I have been a happy subscriber for many years, and I am very impressed with your new version of the Conservationist. Its articles and beautiful photographs are priceless, and my granddaughter, who is 11, never misses a chance to guess the month’s natural wonder, What Is It? And to my surprise, she gets it right most of the time! Thank you all who make this possible for us to enjoy.

Alicia Cornelius, Manchester

Black-capped Chickadee

Discover nature during the cold winter months in your own backyard. Missouri is home to many species of overwintering birds, like this black-capped chickadee, that flock to backyard feeders in search of food.

Are you ready for these fine-feathered visitors?


On Page 19 of the October issue [Taking it to the Limit] we stated the headwaters of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers start in Montana. The Missouri starts in Montana; the Mississippi starts in Minnesota.

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Conservation Headquarters

  • 573-751-4115 | PO Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180

Regional Offices

  • Southeast/Cape Girardeau: 573-290-5730
  • Central/Columbia: 573-815-7900
  • Kansas City: 816-622-0900
  • Northeast/Kirksville: 660-785-2420
  • Southwest/Springfield: 417-895-6880
  • Northwest/St. Joseph: 816-271-3100
  • St. Louis: 636-441-4554
  • Ozark/West Plains: 417-256-7161

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Also In This Issue

Prairie Chickens grazing
Serving Nature and You: Fiscal Year July 1, 2016–June 30, 2017.

This Issue's Staff

Editor - Angie Daly Morfeld

Associate Editor - Bonnie Chasteen

Staff Writer - Larry Archer
Staff Writer - Heather Feeler
Staff Writer - Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer - Joe Jerek

Creative Director - Stephanie Thurber

Art Director - Cliff White

Designer - Les Fortenberry
Designer - Marci Porter

Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner

Circulation - Laura Scheuler