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From Missouri Conservationist: January 2017

Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity.

Land Management

I recently had the opportunity to spend the afternoon on our family property with Steve Hoel, the private land conservationist for Johnson and Lafayette counties. His knowledge and insight into property management was both helpful and educational. He identified the areas of the property that could be improved with the removal of nonnative invasive species (sericea lespedeeza and autumn olive) and the areas of the property that are developing as nature intends. I now have a much better idea of how to manage the land responsibly. I would encourage any property owner to contact their county’s private land conservationist and schedule a walk-through of their property. Thank you Missouri Department of Conservation and Mr. Hoel for this valuable service.

Jason Rinck, Kansas City

Master Naturalist

I was delighted to see the article about the Missouri Master Naturalist program in the October Conservationist [A Lasting Legacy]. It is inspiring to read about the passion of the volunteers and the contributions their work is making to Missouri’s natural resources. Kudos to the MDC and Extension staff who support the volunteers, and to Syd Hime, volunteer and interpretive program coordinator, for her leadership. It is gratifying to see the vision for Master Naturalists in action.

Ginny Wallace, Jefferson City

CWD Sampling

Huge shout-out to the MDC staff in Lancaster this weekend [November 12–13]. They worked all day long. Very professional and a fun group of guys and gals. Thank you all.

Ronda Beeler Drury, via Facebook

Pass my thanks and, I’m sure, the gratitude of every hunter out there to the men and women who worked so many hours to collect samples. I’m sure most of them would have rather been sitting in a deer stand than working on opening weekend. Thank you all for making up what I brag on to be the best Conservation Department in the country.

Charles Brennell and family, via email

I watched two different stations and thought they both did a great job of collecting samples. They were very respectful and polite to everyone. Two thumbs up to those guys!

Allen Gillispie, via Facebook

Shout-out to the crew in Versailles! Well done! Professionally staffed! Appreciate that the Department didn’t try to cut corners and had one or two lines. That’s how you show you care about hunters.

Jerry Rosslan, via Facebook

Blue-Winged Warbler

My dad was a big fan of the Conservationist. Over the years, he gave them to me when he had finished reading them. I have become a fan as well. In the November 2016 issue, you have a picture of a blue-winged warbler [Forest and Woodland Conservation; Page 14]. On opening day of deer season, I saw a pair flitting around not more than 10 feet from me in my stand. It was neat to make the connection. Thanks for your work!

Darryl Griggs, Sikeston

Nature Unleashed

Watched your videos about stocking the lakes and read your article on the quail population in science class today. Monett Intermediate 5th grade is loving the Nature Unleashed book and exploring this page [short.mdc.mo.gov/ZZ4] to help us learn more about ecosystems and the food chain. Thanks guys!

Elizabeth Richter Boxell, via Facebook

Reader Photo

A Stroll Through Snow

Alma Curry captured this photo of an opossum in the snow near her home in Sikeston. Curry said the opossum struggled at times to get through the deep snow that had drifted along the fence line. “I find photography of wildlife a very relaxing and fun hobby,” said Curry. “We live in the city, but have made our yard a sanctuary for birds and butterflies. My husband and I take many photos sitting in our yard, but also spend a lot of time in Missouri conservation areas and lakes around our area.”

Also In This Issue

Sunset over Dunn Ranch, part of the Grand River Grasslands Conservation Opportunity Area
Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016
Butterfly Weed
Match your toughest landscaping problems with the native plants programmed to handle them.

This Issue's Staff

Editor - Angie Daly Morfeld
Art Director - Cliff White
Associate Editor - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Heather Feeler
Staff Writer - Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer - Joe Jerek
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Les Fortenberry
Designer - Marci Porter
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Circulation - Laura Scheuler