Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity.
Dove Hunt for Two
I wanted to thank the Missouri Conservation Department and the National Wild Turkey Federation for my son’s and my first dove hunt. We signed up for a mentored dove hunt after seeing the article in the August issue [News & Events, Page 6]. Jerry and Tim Schwent were great mentors to both of us. Not only has conservation gained two new apprentices, but it gave me another avenue to continue to be a proud father. Thank you MDC for helping me create memories and teaching me new skills.
Adam Bowers, Park Hills
Protect and Conserve
I just want to say thank you to all of the agents that work hard so that we can go out on conservation land to hunt and fish. We had turkey and deer around us tonight while hunting a managed hunt and were able to harvest a deer. Thank you for all of your work.
Cameron Denison, via Facebook
Blooming Milkweed
I went to the Green Festival at the Butterfly House. MDC was giving out milkweed plants. This year the milkweed has been in full bloom. I have never seen so many bumble bees, honey bees, and butterflies on one flower. I even have a monarch. So my insect neighbors and I thank you for the milkweed plants.
Gary Gauss, via email
A Big Fish Story
After studying Jim Low’s article in the July Conservationist [Up a Lazy River], it didn’t take long for me to scratch the Gasconade off my bucket list. I found that my 10-foot kayak could carry enough gear for a fairly comfortable overnight trip. Unlike Jim, I did not have transportation appear at the proper time and place, so I fished and hauled my way upstream from Anna Adams about 3 miles. I took a shorter up-and-down trip on the Osage Fork the next day. I saw an otter, an eagle, and an osprey, and I even have a big fish story. I feel fortunate to be able to handle a solo trip like this at near 67 years of age. I plan to do it again on another river. Thanks for the inspiration, Jim, and thanks to you folks at the MDC.
Jay Heselton, Nixa
When we moved to Colorado, my father back in Missouri made sure I would still be able to read the Missouri Conservationist and his granddaughter would be able to enjoy Xplor. We both read the article on bears in Missouri [Bear With Us; July]. At school here in Colorado, our daughter did have a lesson on bear safety in Kindergarten, which included a list of bear safety tips she brought home. We found this and the article very useful as we get to see bears often, sometimes in our yard.
Stephen Yost, Leadville, Colorado
Feral Hogs
What kind of negative effect do wild hogs have on the deer population? Last year on our property in Reynolds County, we had 15 deer, included in that number were five fawns. The bucks would travel through like clockwork, and does and their babies were there every day. It was the best year I’d ever had, and I got to see lots of new interactions of wildlife. And fill our freezer.
This year we have one doe with two fawns and have seen one buck twice on camera. The difference is now we are seeing nine to 12 hogs at a time on camera. They have started rooting up the grass in one field and leaving rubs on trees around one of the watering holes.
Paul Boxdorfer, via Facebook
Editors’ Note: Feral hogs destroy deer habitat, run deer off, and even attack and eat fawns. For more information on feral hogs, visit The September issue of the Conservationist featured an article about feral hogs — A Sounder Approach to Feral Hog Control.
Reader Photo
A Frequent Visitor
Richard Monsalvo captured this photo of a bald eagle perched in a tree near his home on Lake Sherwood near Washington. Monsalvo and his family recently moved to the lakeside community, but neighbors say the eagle has visited in the fall and winter for several years. “I work evenings and am not a super early riser,” said Monsalvo. “This photo was captured because my wife woke me up at 6 a.m. and said, ‘Get your camera, she’s here!’ As you can imagine, I was quite groggy, but she drove me around our lake and we got a few pictures of her, but this one turned out to be one of the best.”
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This Issue's Staff
Art Director - Cliff White
Associate Editor - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Heather Feeler
Staff Writer - Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer - Joe Jerek
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Les Fortenberry
Designer - Marci Porter
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Circulation - Laura Scheuler