To find more events near you, call your regional office (phone numbers on Page 3), or visit and choose your region.
Teens for Conservation: Archery
Aug. 11 • Thursday • 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Central Region, Runge Conservation Nature Center, 330 Commerce Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109 Registration required, call 573-526-5544 Ages 13–17
National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) is an effective way to teach archery and is used in many of our local schools. We will be using the NASP method for this introduction to the sport of archery. Instruction will begin indoors, and then we will spend time outside testing our archery skills.
Floatin’ on the River
Aug. 12 ∙ Friday ∙ 6–7:30 P.M. and Aug. 13 ∙ Saturday ∙ 7:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Southeast Region, Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center, 2289 County Park Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Registration required, call 573-290-5218 Ages 16 and older
Enjoy a float from Trail of Tears State Park to Red Star Access on North America’s largest river — the mighty Mississippi. Eat lunch on a sandbar and explore the river with expert guides. This is for experienced paddlers only, and participants must attend the Friday night session about navigation, river flows, hazards, and other important information in order to participate in the float.
Aug. 19 • Friday • 6:30–9:30 p.m. Southwest Region, Springfield Conservation Nature Center, 4601 S. Nature Center Way, Springfield, MO 65804 No registration required, call 417-888-4237 for more information All ages
Grab your family and stop by for some creepy-crawly fun for all ages during this annual celebration of insects and the important role they play.
Reptiles of the Marais Temps Clair Conservation
Aug. 20 • Saturday • 8–11 a.m. St. Louis Region, Marais Temps Clair, north of St. Charles on Highway 94 to Route H, St. Charles, MO 63304 Registration required, call 636-441-4554 starting Aug. 8 All ages
Join us for a 2.5-mile hike on the levees at Marais Temps Clair to view reptiles and other native wildlife of eastern St. Charles County.
Creature Feature: Animal Assassins
Aug. 24 • Wednesday • 3:30–4:30 p.m. Northeast Regional Office, 3500 South Baltimore St., Kirksville, MO 63501 No registration required, call 660-785-2420 for more information Ages 7–12
Humans aren’t the only animals that hunt. To eat, wild predators must catch their dinner. And, though they don’t have firearms, animal assassins are armed to the teeth. Join us to learn about some of the amazing adaptations animals have for capturing prey.
Stream Team for Families
Aug. 27 ∙ Saturday ∙ 12:30–3 p.m. Kansas City Region, Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center, 1401 NW Park Rd., Blue Springs, MO 64015 Registration required, call 816-228-3766 Families, ages 8 and older
Do you wonder what Missouri Stream Team is all about? Join us for a hands-on program where you will have the opportunity to sample Burr Oak Creek. We will check water chemistry, look for water bugs, and explore the stream bed and surrounding watershed. It’s fun and science combined in a wet and wild way.
Overnight Float
Aug. 27–28 Saturday • 9 a.m. – Sunday • 5 p.m. Ozark Region, Twin Pines Conservation Education Center, RT 1 Box 1998, Winona, MO 65588 Registration required, call 573-324-1381 for more information Families, 12 and older
Discover nature by spending two days on the Current River with a naturalist guide.
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This Issue's Staff
Art Director - Cliff White
Associate Editor - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Heather Feeler
Staff Writer - Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer - Joe Jerek
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Les Fortenberry
Designer - Marci Porter
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Circulation - Laura Scheuler