Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and might be edited for length and clarity.
On the Mighty MO
I thoroughly enjoy each issue of the magazine. The articles, photos, and general information are superb. My compliments on the Finding Flow on the Mighty MO article [July]. The story was so riveting that I felt like I was on the trip. I always share the magazine with friends of mine in other states who also enjoy the articles. Thank you for the job you do.
Fred Walton, via Internet
Well, Brett, you did it again. You got my attention with your article! I love the way you write, well done. And you have boosted our inspiration to do the MR340. I’m so excited to paddle it with my husband.
This past week we did a practice run and the temperature was gorgeous, but the wind was humbling. It gave us a reality check of what this could do to our bodies — and our borrowed race canoe. From us first-timers to the veteran, thanks for all the info and heartfelt descriptions!
Jody M. Miles, Co-Executive Director Earth’s Classroom, Rosebud
Grays About Town
Thank you for the article and photo of the gray fox in the July issue [Page 30]. On a recent evening, I was shocked to see a fox run across a residential street in Cape Girardeau. I stopped my car and observed it as it trotted across a neighbor’s yard and out of view. I knew it was a fox, but was not sure what kind. Was I ever surprised to read the article about the gray fox less than a week later! I have seen deer and now a gray fox in that same neighborhood in the city of Cape Girardeau! What will I see next?
Kim McClanahan, Salem
I was so pleased to see Danny Brown’s story and photo of the gray fox in the last issue of the Conservationist. Coincidentally, the day before, I was near Hwy 50 & C, also in Franklin County, at 5 a.m., waiting to begin my Breeding Bird Survey for USGS. A beautiful gray fox walked into my headlights about 30 feet in front of my car and stood there for a few minutes. I had seen many red fox in Missouri, but never a gray one. What a thrill to open your magazine the next day and see Mr. Brown’s beautiful picture.
Pat Lueders, Webster Groves, Faces of Conservation
I would like to thank Win Stevens from the “I Am Conservation” section of the July Conservationist. I agree that hunting and fishing should not be about black or white, but about everyone being able to enjoy the outdoors. Win is a great role model for all of us.
John Joplin, Imperial
What’s In a Name?
Neil Bass and Mark Boone wrote about Missouri River Restoration in your June issue. On Page 15 is a list and a map of mitigation sites. I came upon “Nishnabotna” and instantly wondered about what it meant. Unfortunately Robert L. Ramsey’s Our Storehouse of Missouri Place Names shows that it is an “unsolved name.” However, Bill Bright published a meaning for the Siouan name: “spouting wellspring.” The Siouanist John E. Koontz supplied it. I understand that your magazine is about conservation rather than etymology, but you might provide a service to many in that northwestern area of Missouri by supplying this meaning.
Carl Masthay, Creve Coeur (St. Louis), linguist, Algonquianist
“What Is It?” Returns
Thank you, thank you, thank you for adding “What Is It?” back into your magazine! The children we know love it.
Ed and Barb Ubert III, Belton
Where’s Our Cartoon?
I miss the little cartoon, is it gone forever?
Mary Garrett, St. Peters
Editors’ Note: Our cartoon just has a new home on Page 4, above “Agent Notes.”
Reader Photo
Turtle Power
Sixteen-year-old Alison Carey took this photo of a three-toed box turtle near Bourbon, Mo., on the side of the road on the way to her house. Carey originally stopped to take a picture of some geese for a 4-H photography project, but found the turtle instead. Carey’s grandmother, Peggy Schafer, says Carey has become an avid photographer since undertaking the 4-H photography project. “She and her family live on a farm,” says Schafer, “so she has plenty of opportunities to photograph nature.” Carey is a junior at Cuba High School and enjoys frog gigging with her brother.
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This Issue's Staff
Managing Editor - Nichole LeClair Terrill
Art Director - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Artist - Mark Raithel
Circulation - Laura Scheuler