Healthy Waters=Quality Fishing=Quality of Life! My daughter’s favorite fish early in life was the bluegill. She’d often squeal “I’ve got a bluegiggle!” when the bobber went under and the pole arched with the pull of a fish. They are easy to catch and great excitement for youngsters.
Bluegill are often the first-caught fish for Missourians. Millions of kids have grown up fishing for bluegill with a worm under a bobber. They are a great fish to use to teach kids about fishing. Bluegill are abundant and they bite readily, making them easy to catch. They are also wonderful table fare. A fishing pole, a bobber and a few worms are the only necessary equipment.
Bluegill, or as my daughter used to say, “bluegiggles,” are a great fish for all ages. A Master Angler Bluegill is one of the hardest trophies to locate and catch for anyone. For the ultimate bluegill sport, try angling for these fine fish with a fly rod or with light tackle.
Many of my family’s greatest outdoor memories center around fishing. From our son’s first catfish out of Grandpa Hein’s pond in the Missouri countryside, to watching both our son and daughter catch king salmon in Alaska, our family has enjoyed some great adventures.
Fishing is exciting. I’ve had the privilege of working all across our state, and I have routinely seen people and their catch on television, their photographs in newspapers, and radio stations regularly talking about fish and fishing. Missouri citizens enjoy seeing large fish, unique fish and kids with fish. We enjoy sharing each other’s fishing success!
Missouri is one of a Missouri is one of a handful of states where outdoor enthusiasts continue to maintain their numbers. Missourians’ passion for the outdoors, management activities including free fishing days, youth fishing days at trout parks and other venues, youth clinics, urban stocking programs, quality fisheries management and reasonable permit prices support our angling tradition.
How can you help preserve this wonderful fishing heritage? Take a kid fishing! Start them young; fishing is exciting no matter what your age. Fishing is also a great equalizer—youngsters often catch the biggest or most fish on a trip.
Continuing to build upon our collective fishing heritage requires action! We all must be aware and proactive on water quality issues, support soil conservation and leave our state waters in better shape for future generations.
Enjoy the time and create lasting memories with family and friends by fishing for “bluegiggles,” bass, crappie, catfish or any of Missouri’s fish. Free fishing days are June 9 and 10. Get out and enjoy Missouri’s outdoors. Better yet, promote healthy waters, Missouri’s fishing heritage, and your quality of life by taking someone fishing!
Tim Ripperger, deputy director
This Issue's Staff
Managing Editor - Nichole LeClair Terrill
Art Director - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Artist - Mark Raithel
Circulation - Laura Scheuler