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From Missouri Conservationist: Jul 2011

Fox Valley Lake

Visit this pretty, quiet Clark County area for a long weekend of bass fishing and other outdoor fun.

Looking for a great summer fishing trip? Hitch up your boat and head to Fox Valley Lake CA. Just a few miles northwest of Kahoka, this 2,158-acre area in three parcels is scenic and well maintained. However, it is surprisingly underused and harbors a big population of large, feisty bass just waiting to be caught.

The area’s 108-acre Fox Valley Lake lies on the northeast and largest parcel. Aside from plenty of bass, the lake supports good populations of catfish, crappie and sunfish. Other fishing opportunities include a mile of the Fox River on the area’s eastern boundary.

The northeast parcel offers comfortable camping and picnicking, too, with pads and potable water situated near a picnic shelter complete with a barbecue grill. Go ahead and fire up the grill, so it will be ready by the time you catch and clean your fish. Other amenities on this portion include a parking lot, a concrete boat ramp and fishing dock, all of which are disabled-accessible.

The middle, smallest parcel features two parking lots that serve the shooting and archery ranges. Both are available for recreational target practice, so be sure to bring your firearms and archery equipment.

You’ll find several fishing ponds and parking lots on the large southwestern parcel, which lies along Highway 136.

In addition to fishing, camping and target practice, the area’s diverse habitat types offers excellent birding, wildflower and wildlife viewing.

Forest covers 60 percent of the area and consists mainly of oak-hickory on the uplands. The bottomlands support mixed hardwood and softwood species, as well as a large stand of breezy pines, unusual for northern Missouri. Grasslands, including native prairie remnants, and a 13-acre constructed wetland as well as row crops and idle fields cover 40 percent of the area.

Area land care includes farming, haying, disking, terracing, water manipulation and controlled burning. In addition, the Conservation Department develops wildlife habitat with tree, shrub and grass plantings, food plots and timber harvests. Make a note of this habitat and project diversity. Plan to come back in the fall, winter and spring for good deer, dove, pheasant, quail, rabbit, squirrel, turkey and waterfowl hunting. As always, before driving to the area, visit the Web page below for the area brochure, regulations and map.

—Bonnie Chasteen, photo by David Stonner

Recreation Opportunities: Birding, camping, canoeing, fishing, hiking, hunting in season, outdoor photography, wildlife viewing, and target and archery practice.

Unique Features: One mile of Fox River frontage, a 108-acre lake and several ponds, concrete boat ramp, small camping area; disabled-accessible dock, several parking lots and restrooms ; recreational shooting and archery ranges

For More Information Call 660-785-2420 or visit

This Issue's Staff

Editor In Chief - Ara Clark
Managing Editor - Nichole LeClair Terrill
Art Director - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Artist - Mark Raithel
Circulation - Laura Scheuler