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From Missouri Conservationist: Aug 2010

Ozark Trail

The June issue was particularly good, especially David Stonner’s article and photographs along the Ozark Trail [Page 22]. As an amateur photographer, I appreciate David sharing his camera settings for each photograph. I wish more published photographs would include the camera settings, but I realize that many photographers guard such information carefully. Sharing the photographic information helps those of us less skilled learn to use our cameras more effectively. I would be interested in knowing what kind of camera and model David uses.

William Barber, Gravois Mills

Author’s note: I use a Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II (quite a mouthful). As far as lenses, I use a 16-35, 24-70, 70-200, 100-400, and 100mm Macro. My colleague Noppadol Paothong has the same camera as I do as well as a Canon 1D Mark IV. His lens setup is the same as mine, with the addition of a 500mm telephoto for wildlife.—David Stonner, nature photographer

I just finished reading the fine article on the Ozark Trail by David Stonner in your June issue of the Missouri Conservationist. I noticed that several places in the article Mr. Stonner refers to the Bell Mountain Natural Area when in fact it is the federally designated Bell Mountain Wilderness Area and has different rules and regulations that apply to that area of the trail. In fact, the summit of Bell Mountain is not on the Ozark Trail at all but on the trail system within the Bell Mountain Wilderness Area that connects to the Ozark Trail.

Danny McMurphy Ozark Trail Association, membership chairman

Author’s note: Thank you for pointing out my mistake regarding the Bell Mountain Wilderness Area. It was incorrectly referred to as a Natural Area in both the map and in the photo caption information. It was an oversight that occurred when I was gathering all of the information on the many great places to see around the OT.

I know that the summit of Bell Mountain is not on the Ozark Trail but that a side trail connects the two, something I mentioned in the caption info, but then muddied by saying it is one of my favorite spots on the Ozark Trail. I should have rephrased it to say “near” the Ozark Trail.

I’d like to thank you and the OTA for all the fine work on this state treasure. I’ve been to a couple of OTA Mega-Events and the work that your organization does for the trail is truly commendable. I can tell by talking with the many volunteers that it is a true labor of love for them. The Trail keeps getting longer and better all the time.

—David Stonner, nature photographer

For The Love Of Pine

I just read the article in the June issue [Page 12] and loved every word. I am from the Eminence area, so it was like reading about home. I lived in Indian Creek.

I’ve never been to this new conservation center, but I’m sure I will. Russ Noah was a dear friend, also a talented man. I had the pleasure of seeing the Ford Model T in his shed years ago. Thank you for a great magazine.

Gloria Harter, Springfield


The July 2010 cover photo was misidentified as a “giant swallowtail.” It is a pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor). We regret the error.

This Issue's Staff

Editor In Chief - Ara Clark
Managing Editor - Nichole LeClair Terrill
Art Director - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Circulation - Laura Scheuler