Our Glorious Forests: St. Louis Region River Accesses
Number of accesses: 31
Major streams accessed: Bourbeuse River, Boeuf Creek, Meramec River, Huzzah Creek, Courtois Creek, Big River, Mineral Fork, Missouri River, Mississippi River and Cuivre River
Find more info: Call (573) 468-3335
Floating a stream through an Ozark mountain forest can be a terrific way to escape summer’s heat. Unfortunately, popular riverside parks and campgrounds won’t get you away from the crowds. Escape both heat and crowded hotspots via Missouri Department of Conservation river accesses. You’ll find more than 30 of them in the St. Louis Region alone. They provide floaters with easy access to such scenic streams as the Meramec River and Huzzah and Courtois creeks. A secluded float trip will put you in touch with all the glories a summer forest has to offer—cool water, fascinating fish, melodious songbirds, fun-to-watch wildlife and breathtaking scenes. Three MDC publications can help you find a river access for your trip. Try the online atlas, purchase a copy of Missouri’s Conservation Atlas at your nearest MDC Nature Shop or pick up the Discover Outdoor Missouri Map at any MDC facility.
Opinions Wanted
Share your views on forest management with MOFRAC.
The Missouri Department of Conservation, University of Missouri School of Natural Resources and the Conservation Federation of Missouri recently brought together representatives from 30 natural resource organizations to form the Missouri Forest Resources Advisory Council. The Council’s purpose is to facilitate communication among all who are interested in Missouri forests to ensure long-term health, productivity and sustainability.
We All Live in a Forest
Don’t bring gypsy moths home from vacation!
When you’re traveling through states infested with the gypsy moth this summer, take care that you don’t return with one of Missouri’s most unwanted stowaways. Since the 1800s, the oak-leaf-eating gypsy moth has spread from New England as far west as Wisconsin, northeastern Illinois and Indiana. Gypsy moths have not established in Missouri yet, but where they do, they’re expected to severely damage our oak forests. To hold the line against gypsy moths, inspect your gear, including your vehicle and camper, before returning home from infested areas. Look for fuzzy, light brown egg masses or dark brown pupae.
If you find evidence of gypsy moths, notify the departments of Agriculture ((573) 751-5505) or Conservation ((573) 751-4115). For help identifying and destroying gypsy moths, see the links listed below.
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This Issue's Staff
Managing Editor - Nichole LeClair
Art Director - Cliff White
Writer/Editor - Tom Cwynar
Staff Writer - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Ruby
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Circulation - Laura Scheuler