2002 Wildlife Code Changes

By John Smith | February 2, 2002
From Missouri Conservationist: Feb 2002

The purpose of the annual review is to determine whether the existing regulations continue to fulfill the mission of conserving the state's forest, fish and wildlife resources without unnecessarily regimenting or inconveniencing the public. When specific needs are identified, rule changes are recommended to the Missouri Conservation Commission for approval.

Rule changes that appear in the 2002 Wildlife Code, which is now available, become effective March 1, 2002 and are highlighted in this summary. Hunters, anglers and trappers are responsible for understanding the regulations before venturing afield.


Reciprocal Fishing Privileges

Any person possessing a valid sport fishing license issued by the State of Tennessee, or who is legally exempted from those license requirements, without further permit or license, may fish in the Missouri portion of the Mississippi River and its backwaters adjacent to Tennessee.

Reciprocal privileges are contingent upon a grant of like privileges by Tennessee to persons licensed or exempted by Missouri.

These persons may also fish from or attach devices or equipment to land under the jurisdiction of Missouri. The same reciprocal fishing privileges will apply to Missouri-licensed anglers who wish to fish in the Tennessee portion of the Mississippi River adjacent to Missouri.

Tennessee and Missouri anglers must abide by the regulations of the state in which they are fishing, regardless of the state in which they are licensed. However, Missouri and Tennessee anglers must abide by the more restrictive of the two states' regulations when fishing in the other state's waters.

Unanchored Jug Lines Must Be Personally Attended at All Times on Public Lakes and Rivers

This regulation differentiates between anchored jug lines, which are attached to a fixed point, and unanchored jug lines, which float freely. Complying with this regulation will reduce the loss and waste of fish that drag unanchored lines away and eventually die on the hook.

"Personally attended" means that the angler whose name is labeled on the jug line:

  • is in visual sight of and close proximity to the jug line
  • can see the jug bob and move when a fish is hooked and can retrieve it
  • can see and talk to a conservation agent checking the line
  • can get the attention of or deter anyone who is tampering with the jug line.

Spotted (Kentucky) Bass on the Meramec, Big and Bourbeuse Rivers and Their Tributaries

There is no length limit for spotted (Kentucky) bass on the Meramec, Big and Bourbeuse rivers. The daily limit for spotted bass on these waters is 12.

Eliminating size restrictions and liberalizing the daily limit for spotted (Kentucky) bass on the Meramec, Big and Bourbeuse rivers and their tributaries is intended to encourage anglers to harvest spotted bass from these waters.

Though native to southeast Missouri, spotted bass have been spreading to other parts of the state, most notably in the waters listed above. Harvesting more spotted bass from these waters should reduce their negative impact on native species, such as smallmouth bass.

Possession of Fish Traps Is Prohibited in All Missouri Waters and on Banks Adjacent to Missouri Waters.

It is illegal to use fish traps in Missouri, but they still pose a persistent problem in some parts of the state. This regulation will reduce the illegal use of these devices by making it unlawful to possess them not only on Missouri waters, but also on the banks thereof. Minnow traps and crayfish traps are allowed for taking live bait.

Rudolf Bennitt Lake Opened to Fishing

Rudolf Bennitt Lake, a 48-acre lake located at Rudolf Bennitt Conservation Area in Howard and Randolph counties, will be opened to fishing on March 1.


Paddlefish may not be possessed on the Little Platte River from Smithville Dam downstream to U.S. Highway 169.

Special Exemptions From Fishing Permit Requirements

Any resident of Missouri with cerebral palsy or mental retardation as defined in section 630.005, RsMo, and who is so severely disabled that he or she cannot fish alone, may take fish, live bait, clams, mussels, turtles and frogs as provided in Chapter 6 without permit (except trout permit or daily tag in areas where prescribed); provided, while fishing he or she is accompanied by a licensed adult fisherman and possesses a certified statement of eligibility from a licensed physician qualified to evaluate and treat the developmentally disabled.


Increased Non-Resident Hunting Permit Fees

  • In 2002, fees for non-resident hunting permits are as follows:
  • Non-Resident Firearms Deer Hunting Permit - $145
  • Non-Resident Managed Deer Hunting Permit - $145
  • Non-Resident Archer's Hunting Permit - $120
  • Non-Resident Turkey Hunting Permits
  • Spring - $145 Fall - $95

Expanded Fishing and Hunting Opportunities at Bull Shoals Lake

Reference to the waterfowl refuge at Bull Shoals Lake has been removed from 3 CSR 10-11.115. This opens the lands and waters of the Theodosia arm of Bull Shoals Lake to hunting and fishing during the period of November 15 through February 15. However, all boating activity is still prohibited in the Theodosia arm of Bull Shoals Lake from November 15 through February 15 to limit the impact on waterfowl.

The purpose of this regulation is to encourage waterfowl hunting on a walk-in basis to assist in the management of burgeoning Canada goose populations in this area.

Expanded Deer Hunting Opportunities at Four Rivers Conservation Area

Deer may be hunted, under statewide seasons and limits, only by archery methods at Four Rivers Conservation Area (Unit 1 - portion north of Little Osage River, Unit 2 and Unit 3).


Commercial Deer Processors

For purposes of storing specialty deer meats, commercial processors are exempt from labeling requirements from October 1 through March 31. This exemption does not apply to raw, packaged venison.

Field Trials

Field trial permit holders on private lands no longer must provide the Conservation Department with a list of participants within 10 days of the trial, but must continue to record their names and addresses and keep them on file for one year. triangle image

Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Permits

New Fees for Resident Lifetime Conservation Partner Permit

  • For persons age 15 and under - $550
  • For persons age 16 to 29 - $800 (No Change)
  • For persons age 30 to 39 - $700
  • For persons age 40 to 59 - $600
  • For persons age 60 to 64 - $70

New Fees for Resident Lifetime Small Game Hunting Permit

  • For persons age 15 and under - $275
  • For persons age 16 to 29 - $400 (No Change)
  • For persons age 30 to 39 - $350
  • For persons age 40 to 59 - $300
  • For persons age 60 to 64 - $35

New Fees for Resident Lifetime Fishing Permit

  • For persons age 15 and under - $275
  • For persons age 16 to 29 - $400 (No Change)
  • For persons age 30 to 39 - $350
  • For persons age 40 to 59 - $300
  • For persons age 60 to 64 - $35

This Issue's Staff

Editor - Tom Cwynar
Managing Editor - Bryan Hendricks
Art Editor - Dickson Stauffer
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Photographer - Jim Rathert
Photographer - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Staff Writer - Joan McKee
Composition - Libby Bode Block
Circulation - Bertha Bainer