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From Missouri Conservationist: Nov 2000

Farm located

The farm spotlighted in the article "Conservation Partners Curb Troublesome Creek," is not in Osage County, as the first paragraph of the article states. The farm is in Miller County.

This farm was previously owned by my grandparents, the late Bill and Martha Brenneke. My grandfather was born on that farm in 1903 and lived there for 94 years.

Randy Burks, Tuscumbia


The September forestry issue was great! Why doesn’t the young forester who’s measuring DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) have a tape where 3.14159 inches in length equals one inch in diameter? Hasn’t someone invented that type of measuring device?

David Wiemer, Bella Vista, Ark.

Editor’s note: If you look closely at the photo on page 5, you can see that the increments on the tape measure are longer than one inch. They are actually 3.14159 inches long, as you suggest. By stretching the tape around the circumference of the tree, a forester can directly read the tree’s diameter. The tape is called a diameter tape. In the upper right picture on page 5, the measuring device that looks like a yardstick is called a cruising stick. One side has a scale for measuring logs (the cheat stick); the other side has a scale for measuring the diameter of standing trees. By looking up the diameter and number of logs in a tree scale table, foresters can estimate the board-foot volume of a standing tree. Cruise sticks are used every day by foresters. You can buy them at forestry supply companies or get one free at any Conservation Department forestry office.

Hunting help

Thank you so much for including "Why We Hunt" on your web page. In this urbanized society many people have distanced themselves from the natural world. They "humanize" all animals and call it "murder" to hunt them. They shudder at the thought of field-dressing an animal.

"Why We Hunt" helps me explain to others how I can hunt an animal and eat it, and still have great respect and consideration for it.

Kevin, via Internet

Wilderness wonderful

My grandson and I really enjoyed the Wonders Of Wilderness Day at Bois D’ Arc on September 23. The staff was real helpful and courteous. We are looking forward to attending next year.

Jerry O'Neill, Aurora

Paper work

"Caring for a Forest," by Sarah Thompson, brought back memories of when I lived in Florida. My father worked for St. Regis Paper Company. A neighbor, Mac McKee, worked in the company’s forestry department, and it was his job to replenish all the pines St. Regis cut down so there would be an abundant supply for later years. Conservation started in many states in the 1930s and 1940s and has done nothing but get better and make it better for all of us.

John Raby, Moscow Mills.

Anti matter

I was appalled to read in the magazine about the Conservation Department’s sponsorship of a Quality Deer Management meeting.

Quality deer management destroys hunting for your everyday hunter. The only people who can hunt in Pike County, Illinois, where QDM is common, are those with enough money to pay to shoot a big buck on leased land. When deer become a commodity to be bought and sold to the rich, the anti-hunters gain fuel. Let’s not support QDM and ban it from this great state forever.

Randy Eason, Freeman

Editor’s note: Although quality deer management is controversial, the Conservation Department feels it is best to be involved in any planning or implementation of the practice so that we might mold quality deer management to best meet our deer management needs. We do not plan to implement quality deer management on a regional scale, but our field staff are being trained to help interested private landowners achieve their deer management goals in a way that is consistent with our overall objectives

Timber telemetry

Can you measure the height of a tree by standing away from it so many feet and holding up a stick some way and multiplying something by the distance from the tree? I heard or read something to this effect years ago, but I forgot how it goes.

Frank Roling, Salisbury

Editor’s Note: Have someone whose height you know (A 6-footer works well) stand next to the tree. Back away from the tree with a yardstick or ruler in hand. Hold the measuring device in front of you so that the entire tree from base to top fits within it. Note the number of inches the tree covers and the number of inches the person standing next to the tree covers. Divide the smaller number into the larger number and multiply the result by the height of the person in feet. (Multiply by six if using a 6-footer.) This gives you the height of the tree in feet. For example., if the tree covers 30 inches on the ruler, and the 6-foot tall person standing at its base covers 3 inches, the estimated size of the tree is 60 feet, based on the calculation (30/3)6=60.

The letters printed here reflect readers' opinions about the Conservationist and its contents. Space limitations prevent us from printing all letters, but we welcome signed comments from our readers. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

Ask the Ombudsman

Q: I’m confused by the terms "daily limit" and "possession limit." Please explain.

A: Limits are enforced to ensure wildlife isn’t overharvested and to provide an equal opportunity for hunters and anglers to share the bounty. A daily limit is the amount of a certain species of fish or game that may be taken in a single day. The possession limit is the amount that may be legally stored and is usually twice the daily limit. Anglers may not be on the water with more than the daily limit.

For more information on limits, see Chapter 4 of the Wildlife Code ( There you will also find information about storing wildlife. Deer hunters should note that the deadline for venison possession has been rescinded. With the current liberal limits, it isn’t practical to expect hunters to consume all their venison within nine months, as was required in the past.

Ombudsman Ken Drenon will respond to your questions, suggestions or complaints concerning Conservation Department programs. Write him at P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180, call him at (573) 751-4115, ext. 3848 or e-mail him at

This Issue's Staff

Editor - Tom Cwynar
Managing Editor - Bryan Hendricks
Art Editor - Dickson Stauffer
Designer - Tracy Ritter
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Photographer - Jim Rathert
Photographer - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Staff Writer - Joan McKee
Composition - Libby Bode Block
Circulation - Bertha Bainer