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From Missouri Conservationist: Nov 1996


The Conservation Department's Respect Landowners Initiative, which began last year, raised awareness of problems relating to deer dogging, road hunting and free-running dogs.

Hunters can safeguard the future of their sport by respecting landowners and their property. Always ask permission before hunting on private property and do not release dogs on private property without asking the landowner's permission.

Under current law, landowners who kill dogs belonging to someone else may be held liable, unless the dog is in the process of killing, wounding or chasing sheep or other domestic animals.

Landowners who witness road hunting or deer dogging can report violations to Operation Game Thief (1-800-392-1111). Callers remain anonymous and may collect a reward.

Showing respect for landowners will help ensure hunting privileges for years to come.


A newly created urban wetland, named the KCPL Prairie Wetland, was recently dedicated and opened to the community.

More than a dozen local organizations worked together to convert a 50-acre tract, owned by Kansas City Power and Light. This public area includes a 24-acre wetland along Big Bull Creek, along with islands and walking trails. A wildlife observation berm will also be constructed.

The site, located west of Gardner, Kan., will provide urban habitat to more than 200 wetland species. Nearby upland areas will be seeded with native prairie plants and grasses for wildlife food and cover.


The National Biological Service Bird Banding Laboratory is attempting to gather more data for its migratory bird management program by providing a convenient, toll-free reporting number.

People can report encounters with federally banded birds by calling, toll-free, 1-800-327-BAND. You can dial this number from anywhere in the U.S. or Canada and from most places in the Caribbean.


The Conservation Department manages and protects many properties that have been donated in appreciation of loved ones or to preserve an area's natural beauty.

For information about donations or memorials, write Donation Coordinator, Conservation Department, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, 65102-0180, or call (573) 751-4115.


Enjoy a family vacation as you learn the basic knowledge and skills necessary to safely and ethically enjoy the outdoors at "Wonders of the Outdoor World" Aug. 2-6.

The event, sponsored by Bass Pro Shops, Out-door World, the Conservation Department, the U.S. Forest Service and the MU Tourism Research and Development Center, will provide instruction in family camping, backpacking, snorkeling, nature photography, target shooting, hunting, fishing, outdoor cooking, nature crafts and a variety of other subjects.

For more information, write Bass Pro Shops, Corporate Public Relations, 1935 S. Campbell, Springfield, 65898. Information packages will be mailed in January.


Teachers can learn about conservation subjects at four teacher courses being offered in southwest Missouri. The courses each offer one hour of graduate or undergraduate credit from Southwest Missouri State University

On Nov. 8-9, "Missouri Mammals: Conservation and Management" will be offered at the SMSU West Plains campus; on April 25-26, "Missouri Plants: Identification and Uses" will be at Shepherd of the Hills Visitor Center in Branson.

The Springfield Conservation Nature Center will be the site of "Missouri Birds: Conservation & Management" on June 13-14 and "Ozark Streams Conservation and Management" on July 7-8.

For more information, contact Wendell Jeffery, 1039 East Manchester, Springfield, 65810 ((417) 882-1142) or Mike Fraser, P.O. Box 38, Houston, 65483 ((417) 967-3786).


Bring down a big deer? Why not share your venison with a needy family?

The Conservation Department's Share the Harvest Program allows and encourages hunters to donate venison to charitable organizations. The program operates statewide, but is organized and operated locally.

Hunters pay for processing and can donate any cut of meat. Look for donation information at your meat processor.


(For the latest hunting season information, go to our hunting section)

For complete information, consult 1996 Missouri Hunting and Trapping Regulations or Fall Deer and Turkey Hunting Information 1996. For seasons and limits of ducks, coots and blue, snow, white fronted and Canada geese, see the 1996/97 Missouri Migratory Bird Digest.

This Issue's Staff

Editor - Tom Cwynar
Managing Editor - Bryan Hendricks
Art Director - Ara Clark
Designer - Les Fortenberry
Designer - Patrick Kipp
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Photographer - Jim Rathert
Photographer - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Staff Writer - Joan McKee
Composition - Libby Block
Circulation - Laura Scheuler