The point of sale system relies on the Missouri Conservation Heritage Card that permit buyers will present to retail vendors. The Heritage Card, similar in appearance to a credit card, stores registration information, including hunter education certification, on a magnetic stripe. Permit vendors can "read" this information with special scanning devices, similar to credit card terminals found in many businesses.
The system computerizes all hunting and fishing permit data at the point of sale, speeding up lines and eliminating the need for thousands of keypuncher hours to enter data.
Once you have your Heritage Card, purchasing permits and obtaining replacement permits will be a snap. Vendors merely need to "swipe" your card through the scanning device and key in the type of permit needed. A printer will then issue your permit. The cards will also simplify the process of applying for antlerless deer permits.
The only extra cost to state hunters and anglers is the purchase of a $2 card. The cards are made of durable plastic and the data on them will be active for five years. The cards are optional, but surveys show that nearly all hunters and anglers will welcome the conveniences they offer. The card also allows you a 5 percent discount on selected retail merchandise, such as publications, gift items and nursery stock, sold at Conservation Department facilities.
Applications for the cards are being sent to state hunters and anglers.
Heritage cards will also serve as hunter education certification cards and will be issued to all new certified hunters. The card can be used in all states to verify completion of hunter education. Of course, you can also purchase Heritage Cards at retail vendors when you buy your permit in 1996, but having your card early will allow you to take immediate advantage of the new system.
Heritage Card applications are being sent this month to all Conservationist subscribers. To get your card, simply fill out the application and mail it, along with the $2 processing fee, in the envelope provided. You will receive your Missouri Conservation Heritage Card in early October.
- Purchase your hunting or fishing permit with a swipe of your card at any permit vendor.
- Purchase permits by phone by dialing a toll-free number and providing your card number.
- Your Heritage Card serves as a durable Hunter Education Certification Card.
- Save money when buying retail merchandise at Conservation Department facilities.
- (Cardholders are entitled to a 5 percent discount when purchasing publications, gift items and nursery stock (some restrictions apply). The discount does not apply to any type of permit, daily tag, rentals, surplus property, timber or agricultural items.)
- Card is valid for 5 years. No other forms or applications to fill.
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This Issue's Staff
Assistant Editor - Tom Cwynar
Managing Editor - Jim Auckley
Art Director - Dickson Stauffer
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Composition - Kevin Binkley
Photographer - Jim Rathert
Photographer - Paul Childress
Staff Writer - Joan McKee
Staff Writer - Charlotte Overby
Composition - Libby Bode Block
Circulation - Bertha Bainer