Letters to the Editor
Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity. Email Magazine@mdc.mo.gov or write to us:
Missouri Conservationist
P.O. Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Got You Covered
The October 2020 cover photo is the best in years. All of the covers are excellent, but the simplicity that says so much about the core magazine subject makes it the singular best!
Dwaine Goodwin, Ozark
The Blue Sky Ballet
I’ve been reading the Missouri Conservationist cover to cover for many years, and I have not only learned a lot but I also have enjoyed the presentation of how the words and wonderful photos have tied together to tell the stories. Blue Sky Ballet by Matt Seek has raised an already high bar of excellence [October]. This is a subject I suspect most people have little knowledge and probably no experience, which made it even more interesting.
Art Bullman via email
On behalf of my 93-year-old father: Kudos to Matt Seek and the incomparable photographer Noppadol Paothong for their great work on Blue Sky Ballet. The Conservationist continues to outdo itself on timely and exciting articles. I have been a subscriber since 1947 and am amazed at the wonderful assortment of outdoor subjects used to entertain and inform the public. Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Robert L. Thacker, Poplar Bluff
Purseweb Spiders
I am currently homeschooled and in eighth grade. I enjoy reading the magazines you send us every month from cover to cover. I especially enjoyed the recent article on redlegged purseweb spiders [Hidden Architects]. My mom and I went to Myron and Sonia Glassberg Conservation Area, one of our favorite hikes near our house. While on the hike we searched for purseweb spiders for about an hour and found none, which was no surprise. I expected they were unusual to find. It would be fun to find one of their homes. Thank you for the awesome magazines every month.
James Jenkins, House Springs
I want to thank the Missouri Conservationist for the article on spiders. I was a bit scared of them until I read your article. I have a new respect for these creatures and am not so scared of them now.
Michelle DiSanto, KCMO & Benton County
Up Front
I read your Up Front article in the October issue of the Conservationist. I would call it a masterpiece because I could readily relate to it. I was walking my German Shepherds early one morning. It was still dark, and I needed a flashlight. I heard a rustle in a nearby tree, and looked over the lake to see a bald eagle flying close by. It flew right across the moon and Venus and disappeared over the tree line. Although all I could see was a silhouette, I know it was an eagle from the distinct way that it flew. He seemed to be in slow motion. So graceful! It was one of those “alive” moments that Mr. Wilder referred to. My heart seemed to leap for joy as I witnessed this unusual event. Maybe you had to be there, but it was something I will remember for a long time.
William Dickinson, Jonesburg
Conservationist Crossing Borders
We really enjoy the Missouri Conservationist. The articles are interesting and well-written, and the photos are incredible. Every time we take the kids to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Columbia, they send us home with the latest issues. Illinois did away with our Outdoor Illinois magazine a few years ago due to declining revenues and massive budget shortfalls. This was a disappointment to all who care about conservation. Missouri seems to be doing things right.
Mike Reynolds, Cass County, Illinois
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