
Species Description

The upperparts are light gray or dull yellow, with outer hairs tipped with black. The backs of the ears are reddish and the muzzle yellowish. The top of the tail is colored like the animal’s back, usually with a black tip and whitish below near the base, yellowish toward the tip. The front legs are whitish; the outer sides of the hind legs are reddish, with the inner sides whitish. The throat and belly are white to pale gray. The iris of the eye is tawny. The sexes look very much alike.

Topic Category
Hunting / Fishing Guide
Biological Information
Season Dates Hours Limits/Notes
Coyote: Trapping -


Daily limit: Any number
Possession limit: Any number

Extended trapping season on private land from March 1 to April 14. Only foot-hold traps, foot-enclosing traps, and cage-type traps may be used.

Coyote: Hunting -

Coyotes may not be taken during the daylight hours from April 1 through the day prior to the beginning of the Spring Turkey Hunting season

Daily limit: Any number
Possession limit: Any number

Coyotes, except as otherwise provided in this section, may be taken by hunting, and pelts and carcasses may be possessed, transported, and sold in any numbers throughout the year.

Special method restrictions apply during spring turkey season, elk season and deer season. See Allowed & Prohibited methods.