Grazing systems that use both cool-season and warm-season grasses can benefit both livestock and wildlife.
Studies show that adding native warm-season grasses to pasture systems can increase gains on yearling cattle and improve performance of cow-calf herds during the summer when cool-season grasses (fescue, bluegrass) stop growing. By fully utilizing each species of grass during its prime quality, you can keep your herd feeding on high-nutrition forage the entire grazing season.
An added benefit of this complimentary, or rotational, forage system is that each type of grass has a rest period while livestock are grazing other pastures. During this period, the grasses are able to strengthen their root systems. The benefit of this rest period is a healthy stand of grasses that maintains a higher production level and continues to produce even in years of adverse weather.
Browse this section to learn more about developing and managing warm-season grass pastures and the benefits they can provide.