Annual Prospects Report
Clearwater Lake supports quality largemouth bass and spotted bass populations. During our 2024 annual spring electrofishing survey, 19% of the largemouth bass collected were > 15”; which is great. During an October 2024 electrofishing survey, we saw lots of bass in the 4-5 pound range and numerous 8-12 inch largemouth bass, which is a good sign for the future. Spotted bass are not as common as largemouth bass, but fish >14” are present. Clearwater Lake does not have a length limit on black bass.
During the spring 2024 fish survey, we captured numerous white crappie between 9 and 13 inches. Almost 72% of the white crappie collected were longer than 10", which is outstanding. The only poor news on the white crappie population is that the 2024 gizzard shad spawn was terrible. Young-of-the-year (YoY) gizzard shad are an important food source for white crappie. In October, YoY gizzard shad averaged 4.4 inches which is the largest seen in five years. Consequently, the white crappie body condition (aka fatness) this fall was poor.
Clearwater Lake supports a good white bass population. In April and early May, white bass migrate up the Black River to spawn; the best fishing is upstream of Bluff View Marina. White bass of 1-3 pounds are common.
Channel catfish are common, throughout the lake. Flathead catfish are also present in the lake in low numbers. Every year, anglers report catching a few 40-pound flathead catfish.
Every year the Corps of Engineers and Missouri Department of Conservation staff try to add fish habitat to the lake. In 2024, 14 porcupine cribs were placed in the lake. In addition, we plan to build multiple brush piles in the spring of 2025. Maps showing these locations can be obtained by contacting the Southeast Regional Office at 573-290-5730.