Driving directions: 12 miles west of Lebanon on Highway 64.
Annual Prospects Report
The 2025 trout season should be good one with daily stockings of rainbow trout at Bennett Spring State Park from March 1 through October 31.
Anglers may notice some construction activities during their visit this season as the hatchery continues renovation activities. These renovations will breathe new life into the hatchery as certain infrastructure and components are replaced and renovated. During the 2025 season, the hatchery complex will be unavailable for public use. This includes feeding the fish and hatchery tours. Thank you for your patience during this time as we work on these much-needed improvements.
There are three fishing zones within Bennett Spring State Park. Zone 1 runs from the Hatchery Dam upstream to the spring area. Only flies are permitted in Zone 1. Zone 2 runs from the hatchery dam downstream to the Whistle Bridge. Only flies and artificial lures are permitted in Zone 2. Zone 3 runs from the Whistle Bridge downstream to the Niangua River. Only soft plastic bait, natural and scented bait are permitted in Zone 3. All flies and artificial lures are prohibited in Zone 3, even if natural bait or scent has been added.
Each year the park hosts special events that encourage angling as a family activity and provide novice anglers the opportunity to experience trout fishing. Kids Free Fishing Day takes place on the first Saturday in May. For 2025, the event will be held on Saturday, May 3rd. This is a great opportunity for the whole family to come out and spend the day fishing at the trout park. All children age 15 and under fish for free during this annual event. There will be a special kids only fishing area to ensure that they have a successful trip. This area will extend from the hatchery outlet in Zone 2 to the Suzy Hole in Zone 3. This area will be marked with signs and will be patrolled to make sure that children are the only anglers fishing in that area. Children need to observe the zone regulations, length limits for brown trout, and daily limits. There will be streamside volunteers to assist participants with knot tying, lure selection, and fishing advice. There will be several activities for the children throughout the event. All anglers must abide by normal fishing hours for May, which are 6:30 a.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Anglers can fish during the Statewide Free Fishing Days which are held in June on the first Saturday and Sunday following the first Monday. In 2025, this will be June 7th and 8th. On these two days, no daily tag or fishing license is required to fish in the park. More great fishing events happening at Bennett Spring in 2025 include Veteran's Fishing Day held on Saturday, April 12th and also Ladies Free Fishing Day held on Saturday, September 27th. Contact the hatchery for more information about these events.
Anglers also have the opportunity to catch and release trout during the winter fishing season. Bennett Spring Trout Park is open for catch-and-release fishing only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday from the second Friday in November thru the second Monday in February. The last day of the previous catch-and-release season is February 10, 2025. The season beginning in the fall of 2025 will start on November 14, 2025 and end on February 9, 2026. During catch-and-release season, only flies may be used and all fish must be released unharmed immediately.
12 miles west of Lebanon on Highway 64.