Field Guide

Aquatic Invertebrates

Showing 21 - 28 of 28 results
round pigtoe
Species Types
Scientific Name
Pleurobema sintoxia
Round pigtoes are more rounded than Wabash pigtoes. Usually, the nacre (the shell lining) is white, but in rare individuals it is bright pink.
Photo of a longpincered crayfish.
Species Types
Scientific Name
Faxonius longidigitus (formerly Orconectes longidigitus)
The longpincered crayfish is large and colorful, with very long, slender, blue-green pincers that are studded with prominent yellowish knobs. It is restricted to the White River basin in the Ozarks.
Photo of a Mammoth Spring crayfish.
Species Types
Scientific Name
Faxonius marchandi (formerly Orconectes marchandi)
The Mammoth Spring crayfish has a very localized distribution: In our state, it lives only in the Warm Fork of Spring River, in Oregon County. It is reddish brown, and its broad, powerful pincers have numerous blackish specks on their basal parts.
elephantear mussel half-buried in a gravel substrate
Species Types
Scientific Name
Elliptio crassidens
Today found only in the Meramec River, the elephantear has been classified as endangered in Missouri and is a candidate for federal endangered status.
pink mucket
Species Types
Scientific Name
Lampsilis abrupta
This endangered native mussel lives in flowing waters of large streams among gravel and cobble.
pond mussel
Species Types
Scientific Name
Bivalve molluscs in order Unionoida
Secretive and seldom seen, freshwater mussels are extraordinarily diverse in Missouri. We have nearly 70 species within our borders. Many are declining, and several are endangered.
Photo of Williams' crayfish.
Species Types
Scientific Name
Faxonius williamsi (formerly Orconectes williamsi)
Williams' crayfish is small and rather plain, without bright colors or bold markings. It has a pale, vase-shaped zone along the middle of the dark olive-tan carapace. It is found only in the upper White River drainage of Missouri and Arkansas.
Photo of a leech
Species Types
Scientific Name
Various species in the subclass Hirudinea
Most people are repulsed by leeches. But once you get past the fact that many species are parasitic bloodsuckers, you will discover that they are fascinating creatures with an important role in nature.
See Also

About Aquatic Invertebrates in Missouri

Missouri's streams, lakes, and other aquatic habitats hold thousands of kinds of invertebrates — worms, freshwater mussels, snails, crayfish, insects, and other animals without backbones. These creatures are vital links in the aquatic food chain, and their presence and numbers tell us a lot about water quality.