Watershed festival offers conservation opportunities in Cass County

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Kansas City
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Peculiar, Mo -- Water nurtures all life, and western Missouri’s prairie streams serve people, fisheries and wildlife. The “Know Your Watershed Festival” offers a chance to learn more about the South Grand River, a stream that flows through Cass County and eventually into Truman Lake. The festival will be held 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 28, at the Lions Club building, 500 Schug Ave. in Peculiar, Mo.

The South Grand River Watershed Alliance is hosting the festival. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is a sponsor for the event and a member of the alliance. All activities are free.

“We want to raise awareness about these rivers and help people protect the watershed of the South Grand River,” said Steve VanRhein, an MDC community conservation planner.

Workshops will feature tips for using rain barrels and creating rain gardens to help control storm water. Experts will talk about the impacts of storm water runoff and nonpoint source pollution on rivers and lakes and how people can help minimize problems. The event also offers a chance to volunteer for conservation projects.

Information stations will be devoted to critters found in streams such as the South Grand River, using native plants on farms and in landscaping, locally grown foods, the importance of wetlands and invasive exotic species.

Entertainment will include Stan Slaughter and the Green Spirit Band. A free sack lunch will be provided to the first 100 participants to complete a Passport activity at the event. Drawings will be held for four rain barrels and 50 native plants. Prizes will be given to the first 50 children.

Information about the alliance and the event is at sgrwa.org.