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There's still time to register for Ozark region prescribed fire workshops
WEST PLAINS, Mo. –The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites landowners, natural resources managers, and others interested in learning about prescribed fire for land management to free workshops across the Missouri Ozarks. The workshops will cover controlled burning as a method of boosting wildlife habitat and reducing less desirable plant species.
MDC staff will discuss methods and techniques for implementing controlled burns, safety considerations, and proper weather conditions for conducting a burn. The workshops will also cover how to create a burn plan and time the burn based on your management objectives and landscape.
“Prescribed fire is a low-cost method for landowners to use,” said MDC Private Lands Conservationist Cody Roberts. “Landowners who attend will learn how to use this method to create early successional habitat, maintain plant diversity and stimulate new growth.”
Each workshop will consist of a classroom session, with an option to attend a burn demonstration at a later date. Attendees should bring field clothing (cotton or wool; no synthetics), leather boots and gloves to wear for the demonstration burn. The workshops are free to attend, but participants must pre-register.
Find a prescribed fire workshop near you, and register today:
MDC Ozark Regional Office, 551 Joe Jones Blvd, West Plains
6 to 9 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 12
Register by calling (417)255-9561
Missouri State University Fruit Experiment Station, Mountain Grove
10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Feb. 16, 10 a.m. to noon
Register by calling (417)683-4816 ext. 111
National Park Service, 404 Watercress Rd, Van Buren
6 to 9 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 21
Register by calling (573)996-7116 ext. 110
USDA Service Center, 6726 S. Hwy 63, Houston
6 to 9 p.m., Thursday, March 7
Register by calling (800)879-8894, ext. 3
MDC works with you and for you to sustain healthy fish, forests, and wildlife. For more information on prescribed fire, visit mdc.mo.gov/your-property/fire/prescribed-fire.