MDC's Lake City Range offers a free class and special events in May

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Kansas City
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Kansas City, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Lake City Shooting Range near Buckner will offer free handgun classes and Military Appreciation Days during May. The range also has ongoing programs such as 5-Stand Fridays for shotgunners.

A Basic Pistol course will be offered from 8 to 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 15. This class is for participants ages 18 and older. Lake City staff will teach handgun safety, operation, shooting fundamentals, maintenance, and safe storage. Equipment and ammunition will be provided, or participants can bring their own firearm and ammunition. This is a novice class for people who have little or no experience in handling and shooting a handgun. The class includes range time. Registration is required. To register, visit

MDC’s Lake City Range also offers individual handgun instruction by appointment. This instruction is designed for a new gun owner or an experienced owner who would like to improve on shooting techniques. Participants must provide their own pistol and 100 rounds of ammunition. Available by appointment only. For more information or to make an appointment call 816-249-3149.

Lake City Range offers 5-Stand Fridays each Friday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This sport is a combination of sporting clays, trap, and skeet. Participants can improve shotgun skills and hold friendly competitions. Registration is not required. The 5-Stand is offered weather permitting.

MDC will offer Military Appreciation Days at the Lake City Range from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, May 29 and 30th. Military personnel can shoot for free on those days. No registration is required.

Also, in keeping with the season, moms can shoot for free on Sunday, May 9, for Mother’s Day, and the same for fathers on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 20.

The Lake City Shooting Range is located on the north side of Landahl Park, 28505 E. Truman Road in Jackson County. For more information, visit