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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – With the most popular weekend for most Missouri deer hunters coming up Nov. 13 and 14, the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) says deer numbers look good and reminds hunters of key regulations.
The second weekend in November marks the opening of this year’s November portion of the firearms deer season, which runs Nov. 13-23. According to MDC, the opening weekend of the November portion of firearms deer season is the most popular two days for most deer hunters in Missouri. Hunters typically harvest between a quarter to a third of the state’s total annual deer harvest during those two days. Hunters harvested a total of 297,214 deer during the 2020-21 deer season. Of that total, 80,744 were taken during opening weekend of the November portion, about 27 percent of the total harvest.
According to MDC, this season’s harvest should be higher than average due to increasing deer numbers across most of the state coupled with increased firearms antlerless permit availability in a number of counties and an extension of the antlerless portion.
“The deer population is increasing throughout much of the state,” said MDC Cervid Program Supervisor Jason Isabelle. “Deer numbers have been slowly increasing in southern Missouri for many years due to conservative harvest regulations. Populations in most of central and northern Missouri have rebounded from the severe hemorrhagic disease (HD) outbreak that occurred in 2012. In most counties, deer numbers are at desired levels and our surveys indicate that most hunters are satisfied with the numbers of deer they are seeing. An exception would be in far northwestern Missouri where the HD outbreak of 2012 coupled with habitat loss has resulted in populations being below desired levels in some counties.”
HD is a relatively common viral disease of deer that is transmitted by biting midge flies. During most years, MDC receives at least some reports of HD. This year, HD reports were not particularly numerous. However, 2012 was a particularly severe outbreak with more than 10,000 suspected HD cases reported in Missouri. Learn more at mdc.mo.gov/wildlife/wildlife-diseases/hemorrhagic-disease.
Following the severe HD outbreak of 2012, MDC reduced the number of firearms antlerless permits in many counties and reduced the length of the antlerless portion of firearms deer season.
As deer numbers have since rebounded, MDC has increased antlerless-deer-harvest opportunities, including increasing firearms antlerless permits. The antlerless portion of firearms deer season has also been extended from three to nine days this year.
Isabelle explained that managing deer populations is a balancing act.
“We strive to manage the population so that we have enough deer that hunters and wildlife viewers are satisfied, but not so many as to create unsafe driving conditions or overburden farmers,” he said. “Each year, we evaluate the status of the deer population in each county and determine the optimal regulations based on both the population trend and where deer numbers are in relation to levels that are acceptable to our stakeholders.”
He noted the deer harvest total during the early youth portion of firearms season, Oct. 30-31, was similar to last year and about average for the past five years.
He added that a warmer start to the season has resulted in this year’s archery season harvest total running behind last year’s total at this time.
“During the early part of last year’s archery season, we had some unseasonably cool temperatures that resulted in great hunting conditions,” Isabelle said. “The warmer temperatures we had to start the season this year have suppressed harvest a bit compared to last year.”
Isabelle also reminded hunters that sampling for chronic wasting disease (CWD) will be required this year for hunters who harvest deer in any of the 34 counties of the CWD Management Zone on opening weekend of the November portion of firearms deer season. During mandatory sampling, harvested deer (or the head) must be taken to an MDC CWD mandatory sampling station on the day of harvest. He added that four counties were added to the CWD Management Zone this year: Camden, Laclede, McDonald, and Pulaski.
Isabelle reminded hunters and landowners that providing grain, minerals, and other consumable products used to attract deer is prohibited year-round within all counties of the MDC CWD Management Zone.
“Those who hunt within the CWD Management Zone also need to be mindful of the carcass movement restrictions that went into effect last year,” Isabelle said. “Whole carcasses and heads may only be transported outside the county of harvest if delivered to a licensed meat processor or taxidermist within 48 hours. And new this year, hunters may transport deer heads to any approved CWD sampling location within 48 hours of leaving the county of harvest, except on Nov. 13-14 when heads would need to be delivered to a CWD mandatory sampling station on the day of harvest.”
Isabelle also reminded hunters that deer harvested within the CWD Management Zone must be reported through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System before leaving the county of harvest.
Missouri’s archery deer and turkey season continues through Nov. 12 and resumes Nov. 24 through Jan. 15, 2022. The November portion of firearms deer season runs Nov. 13-23 followed by the late youth portion Nov. 26-28. The antlerless portion of firearms deer season runs Dec. 4-12 followed by the alternative methods portion Dec. 25 through Jan. 4, 2022.
Learn more about deer hunting in Missouri online at mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/species/deer.
Get more information on deer hunting and CWD from MDC’s 2021 Fall Deer & Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information booklet, available where hunting permits are sold and online at short.mdc.mo.gov/Zyy.
Need Hunting Permits?
Buy hunting permits from vendors around the state, online at mdc.mo.gov/buypermits, or through the MDC FREE mobile app - Mo Hunting - available for download through Google Play for Android devices or the App Store for Apple devices.
Need Hunter Education?
Missouri's hunter education course is required for any hunter born on or after Jan. 1, 1967, unless exempt. Learn more about who needs it, what the course covers, where to take it, online options, and more at mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/hunter-education