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MDC restoration efforts improve woodlands at Marshall Junction Conservation Area
MARSHALL JUNCTION, Mo. – Nearly a decade of woodland management efforts by the Missouri Department of Conservation has created better hunting and nature viewing at Marshall Junction Conservation Area.
The MDC management strategy has included a timber harvest, additional firewood permits, prescribed fire, and mechanical removal of undesirable woody vegetation. Recently, MDC managers knocked back nearly 40 acres of overgrowth, helping to stimulate greater diversity of woodland plants and animals.
"Over time, a diverse ground-layer of plants will develop, providing excellent browse for deer, and excellent nesting and brood-rearing habitat for wild turkeys and other small game," said Area Manager Steven Noll. "Watch also, for improved growth of native grasses and wildflowers like big bluestem and grey-headed coneflower in areas where management practices have opened up the forest floor."
MDC works with and for Missourians to sustain healthy fish, forests, and wildlife. Learn more at mdc.mo.gov.