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MDC offers pond management workshop for landowners in mid-Missouri
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites landowners to attend any of four free workshops this March on pond management in mid-Missouri. MDC pond management workshops help landowners make the most of their private lakes or ponds by teaching techniques to control aquatic plants, improve fishing and frogging, build and maintain better ponds, and manage pond water quality. Each workshop will cover a variety of topics including pond site selection, pond construction, pond stocking, fisheries management, aquatic vegetation management, pond watershed management, and nuisance wildlife.
Professionals from MDC, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and soil and water conservation districts will give presentations and answer questions. Attendees can also pick up useful literature and brochures on pond management to bring home. Light snacks and beverages will also be provided.
To help ensure public health and safety, MDC asks all participants to observe current, local guidelines regarding physical distancing and masking. MDC strongly encourages participants to bring and wear face coverings at all in-person events.
“These workshops will offer landowners valuable information on starting a new pond or managing an existing pond for the healthiest fish population possible,” said MDC Fisheries Management Biologist Scott Williams. “Well-managed private ponds provide close-to-home fishing and recreation opportunities, and healthy habitats for fish and other native wildlife.”
- Miller County
Tuesday, March 15 — 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Eldon High School
101 S. Pine St. in Eldon
Register by calling (573) 796-0286, ext. 4284, or by visiting: mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com/Event/EventDetails/182060. - Moniteau County
Thursday, March 17 — 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Co-Mo Electric Cooperative Community Room
29868 Highway 5 in Tipton
Register by calling (573) 796-0286, ext. 4284, or by visiting: mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com/Event/EventDetails/182355. - Boone County
Tuesday, March 22 — 6:30–9 p.m.
MDC Central Regional Office
3500 E. Gans Road in Columbia
Register by calling (573) 815-7901, ext. 2872, or by visiting: mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com/Event/EventDetails/182176. - Montgomery County
Wednesday, March 23 — 6:30–9 p.m.
Montgomery City Public Library
224 N. Allen St. in Montgomery City
Register by calling (573) 815-7901, ext. 2872, or by visiting: mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com/Event/EventDetails/182175.
Learn more about these workshops and find additional educational materials at mdc.mo.gov/property/pond-stream-care.