MDC offers habitat management field day in Platte County

News from the region
Kansas City
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Weston, Mo. – A field day to help property owners manage for healthy woods and wildlife habitat will be offered by the Missouri Department of Conservation 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 18, at Jungk Tree Farm near Weston. The property is reached about a half miles south of Weston on Route JJ.

Taking Care of Your Land Field Day is free. Participants are requested to RSVP to MDC Resource Forester Paul Whitsell at 816-655-6263, ext. 1345.

Topics covered will include thinning timber for healthier trees and better wildlife habitat, timber harvest, erosion prevention on trails, growing shitake mushrooms, flood plots for deer, invasive species control and pond construction.

The event will include a hike to observe the results of healthy forest management practices. For information on forestry in Missouri, visit