MDC offers free virtual Monarch Mania workshop Aug. 29

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Kansas City
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Kansas City, Mo. – Monarch butterflies are a delight to see and a marvel of nature. Learn about their transformative life cycle and impressive migrations when the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and the Mid-Continent Public Library will co-host a free virtual Monarch Mania program from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 29.

The butterflies start life as a tiny egg, hatch into a growing caterpillar, form a pupa, and then emerge as a large orange and black creature that sips nectar from flowers. Their populations have declined, however, as their supportive native plant habitat in North America has been reduced. This workshop will cover how the monarchs transition between life stages, and how adults in autumn make migrations south in autumn and back northward in spring to keep the species a part of the natural landscape. Participants will also learn how they can help support monarch butterflies.

This program is for all ages. Registration is required. To register, visit