MDC offering in person hunter education skills session at Busch and Henges Shooting Ranges in March and April

News from the region
Saint Louis
Published Date

St. LOUIS, Mo.—The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) will offer a Hunter Education Skills Session at both of it staffed shooting ranges and outdoor education centers in the St. Louis Region during March and April.  This will enable students who have completed the online or classroom portion of the program to complete their certification in time for spring turkey hunting season.

Hunter Education (HED) certification is required for all hunters born on or after January 1, 1967, and who are 16 years of age or older.  There is an 11-year old age minimum requirement to take the Missouri HED Class.  The HED program can serve as a refresher for seasoned hunters as well. 

Missouri’s HED is a two-part program; passing both parts is required for certification.  The knowledge portion can be completed by taking an online/mobile course, using a self-study guide available at MDC offices, or in a traditional in-person classroom setting.  The hands-on skills session enables students to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts taught in the knowledge portion.

 The skills sessions will be offered as follows:

Those age 11-15 must complete either the book, online, or classroom portion, and attend a skills session.  Each skill session is free, but online pre-registration is required using the links provided above.  Anyone 16 and older may complete the book or classroom portion and attend a free skills session or complete the class exclusively online for a fee which is paid to the online vendor.

Participants should bring their skills session qualifier certificate or a student manual with the review questions completed. Students 15 and under must also bring a copy of their birth certificate or other proof of age. The final exam will be administered at the end of the skills session.

Hunter education has reduced hunting accidents and deaths by more than 70 percent since it became mandatory in 1987.

The August A. Busch Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center is located at 3550 Route D, approximately five miles west of Highway 94 in Defiance.  The Jay Henges Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center is at 1100 Antire Road, just off I-44, exit 269 in Eureka. 

As this is an in-person activity, MDC asks all participants to observe any current local social distancing and masking guidelines.