MDC names Laura Conlee and Andrew Bond as deputy directors

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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) announces the appointments of Laura Conlee of Ashland as Deputy Director of Resource Management and Andrew Bond of Jefferson City as Deputy Director of Business and Operations, both effective July 1. They join MDC Deputy Director of Engagement Aaron Jeffries in assisting new MDC Director Jason Sumners in leading the state’s conservation organization. 

“While these two leadership positions are quite varied in their work and responsibilities, they are both critical to carrying out our conservation mission and executing our strategic priorities as a department,” said Sumners. “Laura and Andrew each bring their unique expertise, years of experience, and abilities to adapt to conservation and business challenges on the horizon. We are thrilled to have them on our leadership team!”

More on Laura Conlee

Conlee has been with MDC since 2016. She joined the department as a furbearer and black bear biologist. She was then named chief of the Terrestrial Section and then chief of the Science Branch before being named deputy director.

“I am incredibly excited to move into this new role with MDC and am looking forward to engaging with all aspects of managing our state’s fish, forest, and wildlife resources,” Conlee said. “I am also very grateful to serve the citizens of Missouri and to be able to both protect and enjoy Missouri’s rich natural resources.”

As Deputy Director of Resource Management for MDC, Conlee will direct the statewide management and research to conserve Missouri’s fish, forest and wildlife resources by providing executive leadership, direction, and counsel to MDC branch chiefs over Statewide Resource Management, Regional Resource Management, Science, and Protection branches. She will also serve as the Regulations Committee chairperson. Her responsibilities also include guiding approving, monitoring, and implementing the agency’s budget and equipment inventories related to the resource divisions. She will also direct activities to further public recreation, appreciation and use of fish, forest and wildlife resources including recommendations to the Wildlife Code for long-term and sustained public use and benefits.

Prior to joining MDC, Conlee was the Furbearer and Black Bear Project Leader and then Assistant Director of Wildlife for the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.

Conlee grew up in Roselle, Illinois, and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Northern Illinois University and a Master of Science degree in Zoology from Southern Illinois University.

She currently lives in Ashland with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys hiking, fishing, hunting, camping, and gardening.

More on Andrew Bond

Bond has been with MDC for more than seven years with his most previous position being Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining MDC, Bond spent more than 20 years working for the Missouri Department of Social Services with his last position being Chief Financial Officer for the MO HealthNet Division, Missouri’s Medicaid program.

As Deputy Director of Business and Operations, Bond will provide executive leadership, supervisory oversight, and counsel to four branch chiefs and one section chief over Business Services, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Infrastructure Management branches, and the Budget section. He will also initiate and provide executive oversight for the development of internal and external communication strategies regarding business programs and policy/procedure changes for business program implementation. His responsibilities also include collaborating with the Department's executive leadership team, including directing the chief budget officer, to develop an annual expenditure plan and legislative appropriation requests. He will also prepare and review recommendations for Conservation Commission action, including budget recommendations, monthly financial reports, capital improvements, and policy development. He will ensure Department policies and position statements regarding business processes are thoroughly reviewed, accurate, and provided timely. He will also provide operational insight and collaboratively guides strategic plan development to ensure timely implementation, resource allocation, and delivery of Department priority programs, and develop and maintain effective relationships with state and federal agencies and non-governmental organizations to advance state, regional, and national conservation priorities.

Originally from Port Huron, Michigan, Bond received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting from Northwood University and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). He currently lives in Jefferson City. 

MDC protects and manages the fish, forest, and wildlife resources of the state, and provides opportunities for citizens to use, enjoy, and learn about these resources. Learn more at