MDC invites volunteers to help prep a pollinator garden at Creve Coeur Lake County Park Sept. 27

News from the region
Saint Louis
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St. LOUIS, Mo.—The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and its partners in the Community Stewardship Alliance invite volunteers to help restore St. Louis County’s Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park back to nature at a special volunteer workday Monday, Sept. 27.  Participants will take steps to help pollinators thrive in the park.

Check-in will begin at 8:45 a.m. and the event will go until noon.  Volunteers will assist in cleaning up and prepping the native demonstration gardens, including weeding, and tamping down the pathway chat.  These measures will help improve habitat for pollinators and beautify the park for people.  Participants should park and meet at the Lake House Bar and Grill, 2160 Creve Coeur Mill Road.

Volunteers should come dressed for the weather and bring their own water to the event. Work gloves and tools will be provided.  Restrooms will be available at Lake House Bar and Grill and nearby Forest ReLeaf.

The event requires preregistration online at  In case of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled for Tuesday, September 28

As this is an in-person activity, MDC asks all participants to observe current local COVID-19 social distancing and masking guidelines.  Bringing and wearing face coverings is encouraged when appropriate. 

Through a collaborative partnership led by the Open Space Council, the Community Stewardship Alliance (CSA) is an exciting new conservation program intended to provide focused, trained, volunteer leadership to restore and maintain the natural areas within our St. Louis County Parks.

The program is made possible through the collaborative efforts of Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, Great Rivers Greenway District, Missouri Botanical Garden, Missouri Department of Conservation, Missouri Master Naturalists Great Rivers Chapter, the Open Space Council for the St. Louis Region, St. Louis Audubon Society, St. Louis County Parks, and St. Louis County Parks Foundation.