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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
A monthly publication about conservation in Missouri. Started in 1938, the printed magazine is free to residents of Missouri.
Conservation Department Headquarters
2901 West Truman Boulevard, Jefferson City, Missouri
Thursday, March 3, 2011 – 2:30 p.m. – Executive Session (Closed)
Friday, March 4, 2011 – 9:00 a.m. – Regular Open Meeting
(Background documents related to each agenda item are available for public viewing at Conservation Department Headquarters, Jefferson City, for eight calendar days prior to the meeting. Any person who would like to comment to the Commission about a specific agenda item must make a written request to the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting. Speakers will be limited to five minutes each and number of speakers may be limited. Recording the open meeting is permissible, pursuant to any guidelines established by the Commission to minimize disruption to the meeting. Individuals wishing to record the open meeting by audiotape, videotape or other electronic means should notify the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting so accommodations for such recording can be made.)
Thursday, March 3, 2:30 p.m.
Executive Session (Vote to go into closed session – reconvene open meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, March 4):
(1) Call to order and approval of minutes of previous Executive Session. (610.021 RSMo.)
(2) Consideration of supporting documentation for recommendation to suspend or revoke all hunting and fishing privileges of individuals who are juveniles or who are not in compliance with applicable child support laws. Action to be taken in open meeting. (Disclosure protected by law, 610.021(14), 454.440.9, 211.321, RSMo.)
(3) Consideration of confidential or privileged communications between the Commission and its Internal Auditor regarding work product. (Communications between public governmental body and its auditor, 610.021(17) RSMo.)
(4) Consideration of recommendation relating to the hiring/firing/disciplining/promoting of personnel. (Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting, 610.021(3) RSMo.)
(5) Consideration of negotiated contracts. (Documents related to a negotiated contract, 610.021(12) RSMo.)
(6) Update on potential real estate transactions/negotiations. (Leasing, purchase or sale of real estate, 610.021(2) RSMo.)
(7) Consideration of legal actions and attorney-client privileged communications involving the Conservation Commission. (Legal actions, causes of action or litigation, 610.021(1) RSMo.)
Friday, March 4, 9:00 a.m. – Regular Open Meeting:
Approval of minutes of previous meeting.
Consideration of the Report of the Regulations Committee, which includes recommendations for changes to the Wildlife Code.
Staff Presentations:
4. 9:30 a.m. Private Land Services Division Report – Division Chief Mike Hubbard.
9:45 a.m. Quail Focus Areas and Quail Emphasis Areas – Grassland Bird Coordinator Max Alleger.
10:00 a.m. Elk Restoration Update – Project Coordinator Ron Dent.
Consideration of 1) Major Construction/Development Projects Status Report; and 2) bids received for the construction of the Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center Phase I Exhibit Renovation located in Jackson County, and authorization to enter into a contract.
Consideration of January Monthly Financial Summary.
Recommendation for approval to accept the donation of two tracts of land, consisting of approximately 30.95 acres and 52.63 acres, respectively, in Stoddard County as an addition to the Duck Creek Conservation Area.
Recommendations for approval to 1) suspend or revoke one or more hunting, fishing, trapping or commercial privileges of individuals for cause; 2) suspend or revoke all hunting and fishing privileges of individuals who are not in compliance with applicable child support laws; 3) suspend or revoke one or more hunting, fishing and trapping privileges of individuals in accordance with the terms of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact; and 4) suspend or revoke hunting privileges of individuals who inflicted injury to another person while hunting.
Legislative Report.
Announcement of actions taken in executive session, if any.
Other matters of interest.
Confirmation that the next regular meeting will be held April 14-15, 2011, in Jefferson City.