Get information and share opinions at MDC 80th Anniversary Open House at Runge Nature Center Aug. 10

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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – This year, the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) celebrates 80 years of serving nature and you. MDC was founded my Missourians – concerned by the state’s decimated fish, forests, and wildlife – through a constitutional amendment passed in 1936 to create the nation’s first apolitical conservation agency in 1937.

Keeping with its tradition of citizen-based conservation, MDC will hold open houses around the state in August through October to share information and gather public feedback.

The Runge Conservation Nature Center will host an open house on Thursday, Aug. 10, from 6 – 8 p.m. The Nature Center is located at 330 Commerce Drive in Jefferson City.

MDC Director Sara Parker Pauley will attend all open houses to share insights on the Department’s history, conservation priorities, and challenges on the horizon. Brandon Butler, executive director of the Conservation Federation of Missouri, will attend the open house in Jefferson City to address how partnerships with outside organizations can further progress conservation efforts across the state. 

Attendees are encouraged to give feedback on Department regulations, infrastructure, strategic priorities, and statewide and local conservation issues.

No registration is required for this event and refreshments will be served. The first 80 attendees at each open house will receive a special gift from MDC.

“Citizen involvement and participation have always been important to the Department of Conservation,” said Director Pauley. “Whether through gathering input from hunters on deer season regulations, or hikers and birdwatchers on how a conservation area should be managed, we value public input. We want to hear from you.”

Watch this video for an invitation from Director Pauley:

MDC will also gather public feedback at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia, Aug. 10-20, and at the South Farm Showcase in Columbia on Sept. 30.

Can’t make an open house? Share your comments online at

For more information, contact MDC Public Involvement Coordinator Michele Baumer at (573) 522-4115, ext. 3350, or